Down the TBR Hole #21-40

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #21-40.  Have you been feeling inspired to go through your list of books that you have to read?  Or have you maybe found some books that I mentioned to add to your list?  Need to catch up?  Head here to see the last post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I am starting this week with 4,678 books.  Not sure how I ended up with more books than I started with last time.  I’m sure this reading slump I am in is not helping.  But of course, there is never a shortage of books to add to my list.  I also skipped last week so let’s double up this week.  Let’s get started.

1. Business Boutique: A Woman’s Guide to Making Money Doing What She Loves by Christy Wright

In a past life, I was all into finance and financial planning and thought that would be my career.  I also owned my own business for a bit. I found Christy Wright by way of Dave Ramsey and started listening to her podcast. I started reading this book, but for whatever reason, I didn’t finish it.  But from what I remember, it was good. I own it on Audible, so I’m keeping it.

2. The Secrets You Keep by Kate White

My best friend recommended this book to me.  I think it took 15 years for me to realize that we no longer have the same taste in books.  She leans heavy into suspense and psychological thrillers while I am more into non-fiction books and romance.  But that doesn’t mean I won’t try and read one of her recommendations.  But I wasted an audible credit on this one. Thirty minutes in and I could go further. I’m removing this one.

3. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy

This book was recommended to me by an SVP that I admired at my old job.  She continuously kicked butt in a male-dominated world and specifically with a couple of challenging males that I had to work with daily that she had previous experience with.  I’m forever thankful that she took the time out to help mentor me. I started to read this book after she recommended it, but we were so busy my projects took over my life, and I had to put the book down. But I have a physical copy of this book plus the Audible version so I’ll be keeping it.

4. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt 

This was the first book that we were to read as a team at my old job. Recommended by the same SVP from above.  The only problem was my team was crazy busy.  We kept having to move the meeting that we had to talk about the book.  I’m not even sure I had time to finish one chapter. I do remember that it had an interesting concept, and I also happen to own a physical copy and the Audible version.  I think I will be keeping this one.

5. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

This book has been on almost every recommendation list for businesses owners that I have come across.  So I downloaded it on Audible.  I feel like building habits is part of my theme for the year, so I am keeping this one.


6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey

Like the book above, I have yet to come across a list that didn’t have this book recommended. I think I downloaded this one on Audible at the same time as the last one.  But it’s another one I haven’t had a chance to listen to. It’s a book on habits and fits my theme, so I’m keeping it.

7. God, Are You There? by Kay Arthur

I discovered Kay Arthur last year through Right Now Media and the inductive Bible study method. I instantly fell in love with her style and how her message of just using the Bible to interpret the Bible was so clear. I went on a hunt and ordered a few of her books (as you can tell).  I did read one of them and enjoyed it so I will be keeping this one.


8. Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days by Kay Arthur

While I think I understand already what she will teach in this book because of watching her studies, I am keeping this book since I have a physical copy of it.  I also think it will be a quick read.


9. Discover the Bible for Yourself: Helpful Introductions to Every Book, Practical Approaches for Study, Applications for Everyday Life by Kay Arthur

You guessed it; I’m keeping this one.


10. Don’t Settle for Safe: Embracing the Uncomfortable to Become Unstoppable by Sarah Jakes Roberts 

First and foremost, I stan for Sarah Jakes Roberts.  If people can stan for musicians and actors, I can stan for a pastor.  What I love about her is she keeps it honest.  She made mistakes, and she had to work through them.  I’ve read another book of hers and probably every sermon she has preached.  Plus I’ve had the pleasure of seeing her teach in person.  I’m keeping this one.

11. Brave Enough to Succeed: 40 Strategies for Getting Unstuck by Valorie Burton

My previous business mentor recommended this book to me.  I’ve never connected with Burton based on what she posts on social media, but I was willing to give this book a chance.  I wonder, would this help me with my reading slump?  I’m feeling kind of stuck.  I’m keeping it.


12. Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul by Bill Hybels

This was the second book that was recommended by my business mentor.  I was a Professional Organizer, so a book about organizing your soul? I’m all for it.  I’m keeping this one.


13. Battlefield of the Mind Bible: Renew Your Mind Through the Power of God’s Word by Joyce Meyer

I started to read her book by the same title and knew I wanted to get the Bible as well.  But I have the Bible and was using it when reading the book.  I don’t think it belongs on this list anymore.  I’m going to be removing it and putting it on my read list


14. Hebrews Bible Study Book: The Nearness of King Jesus by Lisa Harper

This is a bible study that I started but never finished.  Honestly, the turnoff was I had to either rent the videos or pay a large sum to own the videos.  For some reason, Lifeway has the video studies priced so high that I can’t always justify the cost. It was a good study, and I love Lisa Harper, especially after hearing her in person.  I’m keeping this one with the hopes of one day being able to complete it.

15. Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Home: No-Nonsense Advice that Will Inspire You to Clean Like the Dickens by Thelma Meyer

I went through a phase where I was trying to do a better job at setting the atmosphere of my home. I already loved having a clean house, so I was open to see if there were alternative ways to doing things.  So I felt like I was buying all the cleaning books.  I’m removing it, but it will make some cute decor.


16. Clean My Space: The Secret to Cleaning Better, Faster, and Loving Your Home Every Day by Melissa Maker

Another book from my home cleaning phase.  I’m removing it from my list but will keep it for decor.


17. How to Start a Home-based Professional Organizing Business by Dawn Noble

I might have mentioned a time or two that I previously had a Professional Organizing business. So although I bought this book while doing my research, I found so much info online that I didn’t need it.  I’m removing it.


18. Stronger than the Struggle: Uncomplicating Your Spiritual Battle by Havilah Cunnington

I bought the study for this book after hearing Havilah speak.  I enjoyed the study and wanted to read the book behind it, so I purchased it.  I enjoy listening to her preach, and I expect the same from her books.  I’ll be keeping it.


19. Anonymous: Jesus Hidden Years…And Yours by Alicia Britt Chole

A friend recommended this book to me after they enjoyed it.  I haven’t had a chance to start reading it yet, but I do like the concept. I have a physical copy of this book, and I am keeping it.


20. Everyday Hope: Holding Fast to His Promise by Katie Orr

Now that I have done a study with Katie (Philippians study), I want to do all of her studies.  She is an amazing Bible teacher.  You will see next week that I have a few of her studies.  I’m keeping this one.


Final count: Removing 5; Keeping 15; TBR down to 4,674

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