Quick Book Reviews From This Year: 1-5

Earlier this year, I focused on finding things that bought me joy.  I didn’t realize it, but I stopped reading for a bit last year and struggled even to finish a couple of books.  On my sabbatical, since I had the time, I decided it was time to get back into the hobby that I love so much.  For the five months I was gone, I read 36 books.  In the beginning, I wasn’t writing reviews for them.  I would post on Instagram or Facebook, and that was it.  When I started my blog, I figured I would eventually get around to writing the reviews.  But then I started to pressure myself to write them so that I could have some content for the site. Then I realized I was letting something that I enjoy and love become stressful to me, and that was not the point of this blog.  So I decided to do a couple of post with all of the other books I’ve read, give you my star rating and a quick review. One day, I may still do a full review, but the pressure is off.  I hope you can find some pretty great reads to add to your list.

Title: The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

Author: Gretchen Rubin

Genre: Self-Help

Publisher: Harper

Rating: Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated image

My Thoughts:

I listened to this audiobook while on a road trip, and I think it was the book that helped me realized I needed to find what made me happy again.  I want to reread it and in my own way, do a happiness project.  Gretchen Rubin created a year of items that she wanted to focus on.  I loved how she focused on just being her and what makes her happy.  At first, I thought her list was all over the place and random until I realized my own list would be just as scattered. An excellent read for anyone wanting to be intentional on finding your happy.

Title: Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Liew about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be

Author: Rachel Hollis

Genre: Self-Help

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Rating: Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated image

My Thoughts:

I thought this may be one of those books that people overhyped because the internets was going crazy over it…for a while now.  I finally had a chance to dive in and let’s just say this will probably be a book I go back and frequently reread just for motivation.  Rachel Hollis did a fantastic job taking so many of my thoughts and breaking them down.  And that last paragraph?  Going on a mirror ASAP!

Title: The Magnolia Story

Author: Chip and Joanna Gaines

Genre: Memoir

Publisher: Thomas Nelson

Rating: Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated image

My Thoughts:

Another book that has been on my list forever and I’m so thankful I took the time to read this.  There were so many lessons on family and business and how to perfectly balance the two without even intentionally doing it.  The pureness of Chip and Joanna Gaines heart comes through so clear.  And hearing them both read the audiobook was such a plus.

Title: Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl

Author: Lysa Terkeurst

Genre: Christian

Publisher: Zondervan

Rating: Related imageRelated imageRelated image

My Thoughts:

I love Lysa Terkeurst and have seen her in person, listened to a ton of her sermons and read a few of her books, so seeing this one it was a no-brainer to pick up.  I wasn’t a fan of this book in the audiobook version, to be completely honest.  I can see how her style has changed as her “presentation” was different and more quirky then what I see from her sermons and talks today.  It was way more of an autobiography than I was expecting.  But there are some gems in here that would make buying the book worth it if I ever find it in person.

Title: Black Privilege: Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It

Author: Charlamagne Tha God

Genre: Memoir

Publisher: Touchstone

Rating: Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated image

My Thoughts:

Part of me knew this book would be hilarious and be full of jewels.  But chapter after chapter, I was still surprised.  I started it and finished it in a few hours.  It was interesting to hear his background on growing up and how living in South Carolina impacted him so much.  He explained the challenges that he faced early on in his career and his relationship but how he was able to overcome them.   Having Charlamagne read the audiobook bought it to life.  I plan on purchasing a physical copy of this book so that I can highlight like crazy.

I’ll stop at five books today.  Have you read any of these books?  Did you enjoy them?  If you haven’t read them, are there any you are adding to your To-Read list?  Let me know in the comment section below!

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