Book Review: Unlimited Memory – How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More, and be More Productive by Grandmaster Kevin Horsley

Title: Unlimited Memory – How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More, and be More Productive

Author: Grandmaster Kevin Horsley

Genre: Education

Publisher: TCK Publishing

Rating:Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated image

I downloaded this book back in January 2018 because I do not have the best memory, and I thought it would be a good idea to look into ways to improve that.  Then I promptly forgot about the book until May 2019.  While reviewing what books I had available to read, I figured this was a good one to dive into.  Maybe it would help with retaining what I read, which would eventually help me with reviews and writing for my blog.

My thoughts:

Reading about what Kevin Horsely was able to overcome with his learning disabilities and accomplishments was astounding and honestly, what kept me going and reading past the first chapter.  As I was reading through the first few chapters, there were so many intriguing one-liners about life and tackling excuses.  I know his intention was for us to focus on what we believe about our memories, but a lot of the details on excuses and beliefs can be used for any part of our life.  I found some information that was worth sending to a friend that’s been struggling with words spoken over them as a child that’s impacting their adult life.  That doesn’t have anything to do with improving your memory, but that shows how versatile some of the information is.  There were so many times, especially early on, where I forgot I was reading a book on memory. (Funny I know)

There may be something to the way he sets us up to remember different things. By using silly imagery, my car, and even my body, I was quickly able to recall the items presented. That is something I struggled with in the past. Even today, five days after I finished the book, I can remember at least two of the detailed lists that he gave and bits of the other lists. And that is without practice and reading five other books since then. I can see how with continued exercise and recall, I could have this info stored and readily available.

One strategy I will be using going forward of his is the name one. Without giving away details, so you can read the book for yourself, this is just one where its almost silly that I wasn’t doing it before. I did struggle with his strategy to remember and recall numbers, but I think for me, I need to review it again and really focus on it. It will probably be easier to remember real-world examples instead of the made-up one provided. I also struggled with the idea of mind mapping, but I know from experience for that method to work, I have to actually draw it out, which is kind of the point.

Overall, this book, for me was a 4-star book. The strategies were well explained, and I was able to practice and succeed in retaining information while reading the book. Plus, it is information that will serve me well while I continue down the path of reading books and applying their ideas and principles to my life.

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