Faith Mental Health

Closed for Spiritual Maintenance

I won’t make this long, but I wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking a break.  My social media and website will be quiet while I focus on silencing the busyness happening in my mind, being still and surrendering to God.  I have quite a few things ready to be released on the blog, including continuing the #All66Books series, but for now, I am going to pause.  I hope that you enjoy the posts currently on the blog.  And don’t be afraid to take a moment to unplug this holiday season and plug into God.  Thanks for continuing to hang with me.  See you refreshed on the other side of this break!

All 66 Books

All 66 Books: Jonah


Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

During my Sabbatical, I purchased the 2018 Archives for the Enjoy God’s Word Conference by Katie Orr.  I’m not sure if they are still available for purchase, but the Keynote messages were on Jonah.  So I read the book before I watched them.  According to Crossway, it takes 8 minutes to read through Jonah.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read Jonah through on your own:

Dallas Theological Seminary

Free Jonah (& Ruth) Course

The Bible Project


While this isn’t a teaching on the Book of Jonah, it is a sermon about the Prophet Jonah, who the book is about.

Leave me a comment below if you have taken the 8 minutes to read Jonah.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.