Book Review Faith Book Review Family Book Review

Book Review: Kingdom Men Rising by Dr. Tony Evans

Title: Kingdom Men Rising

Author: Dr. Tony Evans

Genre: Christian

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

You probably know by now how Dr. Tony Evans has profoundly impacted my life through his ministry. Watching his sermons and reading his books has helped me see how impactful someone can be when they truly read and study the Word of God and then live it out. I was blessed with the opportunity to be on the book release team for Dr. Evans newest book, Kingdom Men Rising. And while I usually don’t read his books geared towards men (I gave Chris Kingdom Men), something told me I had to read this one. Initially, I was reading it to be able to provide support and encouragement to Chris as he walks through life, leading us as a family while he follows Christ. But while reading the first couple of chapters, God reminded me that I am reading this book to support my future sons.

My Thoughts

I’m not sure how many books Dr. Evans has written after Mrs. Evans went to be with the Lord, but I read at least one, God, Himself. And while it was a fantastic book that I would recommend for new believers, there was something different about it from his other books. Reading Kingdom Men Rising, I noticed almost immediately that his writing style returned to match the other books that I’ve read that he has written. Reading the account of him deciding to get up and preach only a day after losing his wife of 49 1/2 years pulled at my emotions. To see Dr. Evans honor God, his wife speaks to how much he truly believes in what the Bible says about God as our comforter. Throughout the book, you see Dr. Evans not only honor his wife in this way, but his children and his father, who he notes is the original kingdom man in his life.

While reading, I felt like I was being let into his innermost thoughts and feelings, especially those about his wife and her last days on earth. I realized that he was gifting us with a piece of their history that we didn’t deserve. Each time, I would take some time to reflect on my marriage and what God has done for us. The trials and struggles. The triumphs and celebrations. As a military spouse, I experience long periods when my husband is gone. Reading Dr. Evans thoughts during one of those seasons really allowed me the opportunity to treasure my life with my husband. 

I’ve always wondered about the background story of how Dr. Evans got started in ministry. This book provided me with the information I was looking for and at the same time provided confirmation for a recent prayer request I’ve had. He was surrounded by men who built him up spiritually and led by example the type of life a Kingdom Man should live. Sprinkled throughout the book, he often speaks of the men that poured into his life and influenced him. But he also talks about those that he poured into and the impact they have had on others’ lives. He outlines the characteristics of what a kingdom man is and what they should do, but he is also giving real-life examples of those living as kingdom men. And we are blessed with plenty of personal examples from Dr. Evans own life.

Dr. Evans probably doesn’t want to hear this since it wasn’t his intent, but there were plenty of nuggets in this book that relate to men and women. I was experiencing a depressive episode one day and started reading. A couple of pages in, and there was this one paragraph that I needed to read. It spoke to my heart, my spirit, the depression. I captured it as a constant reminder. As I read through more of the book, it was like I was keeping a running tally of qualities I already see in my husband, qualities that I will pray he continues to grow in. Then there were items that I knew just being a kingdom disciple myself, I could apply to my life.

One of the things that I loved about this book is the detail of practical application Dr. Evans gives. I’ve noticed a trend lately where people tell you what you need to do but don’t tell you how to do it. For example, when Dr. Evans is explaining the need to change your thought life to overcome strongholds. He doesn’t just end with “take your thoughts captive.” He explains, find God’s thoughts on a matter and align your thinking with His. This may sound simple, but taking your thoughts captive when your thoughts are causing your mental struggle is no easy feat. So to have actual steps to take is extremely helpful. I even had the opportunity to share it with a group of women who were expressing mental struggles. It was easy to translate everything Dr. Evans said and all the biblical references he provided to real life.

Kingdom Men Rising was more than I expected. It didn’t disappoint, and I’m walking away proud of the kingdom man I am married to. I have specific requests that I can go to God for on His behalf. When we are blessed with children, I know exactly what to pray over my sons. I already have plans on rereading the book and gifting it to a few people. I’m encouraged to see a movement of Kingdom Men Rising up in the home, church, and our communities and the impact that will have on our country and world. This is a must-read, and I was happy to give it the five stars it deserved.

As a part of the launch team, I received an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Family Finances Resources TRC

April is National Fair Housing Month

One of the things that I wanted my blog to be is a learning resource. I picked the month of April to launch my business because it is a month full of National Recognition that is so closely related to the work that I do. Today I want to recognize the first one.

On April 11th, 1968, one week after the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, who was monumental in the passing of the 1964 Act, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed an extension to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include the Fair Housing Act. It prohibits discrimination in the sale, renting, or financing of housing based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and family status.

Fair Housing Poster from

While the Act was passed 53 years ago, we know that we still have a long way to go to stand up against discrimination in the housing market. Not only are Blacks and other People of Color disproportionately disadvantaged when it comes to homeownership, we often run into lower appraisal values, not having enough cash for a downpayment (due to lower wages), and not being able to be competitive in a seller’s market.

In 2020, according to, only 44% of Black American’s owned a home compared to 74% of white Americans. A recent story out of California tells the story of the Austin’s and their struggle to obtain homeownership. They had to purchase a home off-market from another Black family just to reach their dream. They then put over $400,000 into the home that was built in the 1960s. They added a new level, replaced the floor and appliances, built a deck, adding in total an additional 1,000 square feet to their property.

When they got it appraised, the older white appraiser valued the property for $989,000, only $100,000 more than the property was previously appraised for BEFORE the renovations. After fighting to get a second appraisal, they decided to trick the system. A white friend of theirs offered to pose as the wife, removed all family photos, and replaced them with her family pictures. That appraisal came in at $1,482,000—about $500,000 more than the one done just a month prior.

The National Association of Realtors says that Black applicants are rejected for loans three times more than white applicants. Is there any surprise that there is so much of a gap in wealth in this country between races? Homeownership is one of the ways to gain generational wealth and legacy, and these facts are just one of the reasons that Black American’s are far behind their white counterparts in the journey to wealth.

If you are a professional, I recommend signing up for the National Fair Housing Training Academy (I am) and doing your part to help fight against discriminatory practices in the housing industry. As a financial counselor, my goal is to help you achieve your dreams, and if homeownership is how that happens, then let’s make it happen! I’ll be sharing more tips and resources over on my social media pages for the business: Instagram and Facebook. Coming soon to our website is a resource and referral list that will include housing professionals to help your dream come true.

“Fair Housing Opens the Doors” video produced by the National Fair Housing Training Academy.

For more information, visit and National Fair Housing Training Academy.

Book Review Faith Book Review

Book Review: God, Himself by Dr. Tony Evans

Title: God, Himself

Author: Dr. Tony Evans

Genre: Christian

Publisher: Moody Publishers

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Y’all know I love me some Dr. Tony Evans.  So when I saw this book on my list of available books to do a review on for Moody Publishers, I jumped on it!  Then I got distracted by Kingdom Agenda by Dr. Evans and then hit a reading slump.  I’ve had this book for months (sorry), and it’s been on my to-read list since December.  Finally, at the end of January, I said bump it and picked it up.  And I am glad I did. If the title didn’t clue you in, this book is all about who God is.  His attributes and His characteristics.  I’ll admit, I can be a bit selfish.  So at times, my prayers can be all about me and what I need.  So reading this book (after the Bible, of course, the Psalms helped a lot) really had me taking moments to focus on who God is and what that means.

*A huge thank you to Moody Publishers for sending your girl this book for free as part of the blogger program.*

My Thoughts

God, Himself is broken up into ten chapters, with each chapter being dedicated to an attribute of God.  It covers the following attributes: His nature, His allness, His holiness, His wrath, His sovereignty, His love, His wisdom, His goodness, His grace, and His glory.

Dr. Evans tells us that we cannot truly live the abundant life that Jesus promised us if we don’t have a real grasp of his attributes.  The prophet Jeremiah tells us to boast in the fact that “he understands and knows Me.”  So Dr. Evans walks us through how to do just that.  He starts with God as the Creator.  This, for me, was a lot of information that I already knew.  Same with the information about God being a spirit, Him being personal, and Him being eternal.  But after that, we start going a bit deeper.  Dr. Evans breaks down each attribute into more detail.  So while I have heard of God being omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence, being able to see how Dr. Evans was able to combine them into, for example, the allness of God, really helped me grasp not only what that means of God, but what it means for my life.

Like with all of his other books, Dr. Evans gives you plenty of Scripture to back up the information He provides you. I always enjoy the glimpse into his life that he gives in each of his books.  It honestly makes him seem more personable, which can get lost sometimes if you only see him on tv.  One thing that I absolutely enjoyed about the book is how Dr. Evans was able to connect each attribute to us as God’s children.  Honestly, I walked into this book expecting to learn more about God.  I didn’t expect to walk away knowing more about me.  And that is exactly what happened.  Because of the Holy Spirit that is in us, we all have a piece of God.  And while there are obviously some of His attributes that we can’t take on, like being everywhere at all times, there are things that make us a better Christian if we adapt to it.  

One thing I will say about this book that I didn’t notice with his others is there was a lot of repetition.  And I don’t necessarily mean repeating what I already know.  But there were many different times where he would say something only to repeat it a page or two later.  This was done so many times that I really think the book could have been half the length.  

So, in the end, if you have done some deep Bible study and specifically on who God is, this book might be a bit repetitive to you. That on top of the fact that it seems Dr. Evans repeats a lot of information over again in the chapters, this may not be the best read for you.  But if you are new in Christ or new in understanding who God really is, this was a simple and easy book to read that broke down His attributes in easy to understand ways.

Faith Family Mental Health Productivity the Word of God

A Digital Detox and No Coincidences – 2/15/21

Digital Detox

So I did a thing yesterday.  I deleted my FB and IG apps on my phone.  I have this weird addiction to my phone and social media that’s quite annoying.  If it weren’t for my blog and business and keeping up with family and friends in different states, I would delete my social media presence altogether.  So after talking to my Wellness Consultant, Cheya Thousand, I decided to do a digital detox until April 1st.  Why April 1st?  Because that is when I will be launching my Financial Counseling, Planning, and Organization business.

Taking time away lets me focus on the last minute details and accomplish some plans and goals that I have set for my blog and business.  One of those things is to get more consistent with blogging again.  To do that, I decided to bring back my Rhenáe’s Randoms.  If you are new around here, Rhenáe’s Randoms are just nuggets from my day that I want to share. Unscripted and unedited.  

No Coincidences

My first one is from my Bible reading this morning.  For February, I decided to read Leviticus and Matthew since they have 27 and 28 chapters, respectfully.  One chapter from each book a day.  But about a week in, God shifted me to Nehemiah.  Nehemiah is an excellent book on leadership, praying, and planning, so I wasn’t disappointed (outside of my type-A personality that insists I finish what I start).  A few days later, He nudged me to add Daniel and Ezra to my reading.  If I had to pick my favorite books of the Bible, Daniel and Ezra are it.  Ezra helped the Israelites return to God, and the public reading of the Word, and Daniel was a dreamer.  Y’all already know how I feel about the Word.  And God often speaks to me in my dreams.

Today’s readings were Nehemiah 7, Ezra 2, and Daniel 2.  Random chapters, right?  Not to God.  Nehemiah 7 and Ezra 2 contain the exact same genealogical record of the exiles that in Ezra, were returning and in Nehemiah, had returned.  Mind blown!  But get this…I made a note of Nehemiah 7:5, “Then my God put it into my mind to assemble the nobles, the officials, and the people to be registered by genealogy…”.  I added it to my OneNote Bible study section on How God Speaks To Us.  Then as I am reading Daniel 2, I come across verse 28-29, “But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has let King Nebuchadnezzar know what will happen in the last days.  Your dream and visions that came into your mind as you lay in bed were these: Your majesty, while you were in your bed, thoughts came to your mind about what will happen in the future…”  

Now I don’t believe in coincidences, so I know that God has purposely guided me to these readings on these days.  I don’t know what for just yet, but I know God will reveal all of that in His own, perfect timing.  Until then, I will continue to share what I learn.

I hope you enjoyed today’s Rhenáe’s Randoms.  While taking a break from social media, I still want you to follow me to know when I come back.  Tanisha Rhenáe will still house my blog updates, book reviews, and personal life.  Tanisha Rhenáe Consulting will have all things Financial Counseling, Planning, and Organization.  Rendel and Rhenae Management will allow you to keep up with our business management company.

Faith Family Productivity

Discipline…2021 Word of the Year…Again

2020 and Tech Did Not Mix

Last year, around September or October, I wrote about my 2021 Word of the Year. But, falling in line with all that 2020 was, my website went down and I lost over 4 months of blog posts. This is the one time I am happy my lack of motivation and overall busyness with other things prevented me from writing so much. 

But truthfully, after writing about Discipline, I started to feel like maybe that wasn’t my word anymore. I began to hear some other things from God, and I was actually sure that my word moved from discipline to discipleship.

So what did I do? In true Tanisha Rhenáe fashion, I bought some books on discipleship and started to pray. And honestly, my website going down and erasing my posts going all the way back to that Discipline post, I was about to take that as a sign that it wasn’t my word.

But then God made it very clear that I had a few areas in my life that needed some discipline. And those areas are ones that I’ve been struggling with, and I know that only Jesus would be able to pull me through. So I wanted to share some things I am hoping to build discipline in. Let’s start with my physical health.

My Heath

If you have been around for any amount of time, you know that I love food and I hate exercise. My Word of the Year for 2019 was Health. (the wrap up for 2020 is lost to internet Heaven and probably won’t be resurrected.). And while there were plenty of areas in 2019 that I improved health-wise, my physical health was not one of them. What I did include, I failed miserably at. And to be honest, I still wouldn’t be focused on it this year if I didn’t have to.

2020 Quarantine and Deployment 15

I’m lying when I blame the 2020 quarantine for my weight gain. I’m a homebody. And if I weren’t trying to do my part to save the world from this pandemic, I would still be in my house, away from the world. But hubby had a deployment last year, and it definitely played a part in some depression that made me want to do nothing but eat until he came home. (To be clear, him being deployed doesn’t make me depressed.  But me missing him adds to the depression I have already been diagnosed with.)

And let’s continue with the confessions (queue Usher’s album). When I say 15, I really mean 75. Pounds. Sign. So a couple of months after the quarantine started, my body did this crazy thing where I lost my appetite. I wasn’t hungry, and since I tend to get busy and forget to eat anyway, I wasn’t really eating. I ended up losing over 15 lbs. This was great because I could stand to lose the weight, to begin with.

My psychiatrist didn’t tend to think so. And since we were trying to figure out my insomnia, he decided to give me a sleep med that also had a benefit of increasing my appetite. Y’all, this medicine is the devil. It increased my appetite alright. Not only did I gain the 15 lbs back, but I also gained an additional 50. My hunger would hit me shortly after I take the medicine (at night since it was a sleep med), and I would literally not be able to go to sleep until I ate something. And, of course, it was usually something unhealthy.

And it all snuck up on me very quickly. This weight gain happened in a couple of months. I see my psychiatrist every two months, and bless his soul, he could immediately see the weight gain at my next appointment. And I couldn’t even blame it on the camera. But because my sleep was improving, it’s one of those things that you have to decide is it worth it to stay on the meds?  Well, we decided it was.  So your girl has to figure this out.

Getting Disciplined

So what am I changing? First, I decided I needed to track what I eat.  I know I overeat.  I make big plates.  I always eat sweets.  Pasta and other carbs are my favorite.  I just love all things food.  And while I don’t plan to count calories or anything like that, I wanted to see exactly how much I was eating (a lot, btw!).  And while I know I wasn’t only eating when I was hungry, it still shocked me to see how much food I was eating in a day.

I decided to pay for the premium subscription for the Lose It app.  One of the benefits of tracking what I eat is that I can also keep a close eye on my sugar intake.  I have fructose malabsorption, plus my glucose and cholesterol levels were up, and my doctor warned me that I needed to get them under control.  To do that, I switched from white bread to wheat bread and started to eat oatmeal for breakfast.  I also don’t remember the last time I had pasta.

I’ve also switched to eating more of lean meats and seafood diet.  My love for steak and oxtails are getting pushed to once a month or a quarter.  And while Chris just refuses to eat veggies, I am getting back in the habit of having 1-2 veggies with each meal.  Along with trying to eat one salad a day.  I also add fruit to my oatmeal in the mornings.

As much as I hate to admit this… to lose weight, I need to exercise.  But since I still despise exercise, I am only willing to walk.  The good thing is, I hang out with some people that love to exercise.  One of my friends has offered to go walking with me three times a week.  I’m hoping that Chris loves me enough to push me to walk with him at least three other times during the week.

Let’s Do This

I’ll admit, I’m not really all that excited about this.  But I know what I need to do when it comes to my health.  While I am all about body positivity and loving yourself no matter the size, my weight is starting to actually hurt me.  I feel the weight on my joints.  My fibromyalgia is flaring up more and more.  Not to mention, I always said that if I hit a certain weight, I would start exercising.  Well, that was 13 lbs ago.  So while I may not be excited, I am about to get disciplined.   

All 66 Books Faith

All 66 Books: 2nd Samuel

Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

2nd Samuel was another book that I read in my Chronological Bible.  It was mixed in with 1st Chronicles and Psalms, but it was amazing to see how those books were connected.  According to Crossway, it takes 1 hour and 49 minutes to read through 2nd Samuel.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read 2nd Samuel through on your own:

Bible Project

Drop me a comment if you have taken the 1 hour and 49 minutes to read 2nd Samuel.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!


21 Days of Prayer and Fasting: Corporately and Personally

Corporate Prayer and Fasting

My church, Elevate Life, is doing a time of corporate prayer and fasting for 21 days starting August 9th.  From my understanding, most churches connected to ARC usually do this in January.  But it seems like, with all that is going on, they decided to do another one this month.  I am honestly shocked that it took this long for us to have one.  Here is what my church says:

Together, we faithfully seek God first, trusting in His power alone to create lasting impact in our lives, our church, and our world. From the beginning of Elevate Life Church, we have made it a priority to seek God first in prayer. We are doing this collectively as a church August 9 – August 29.

Personal Prayer and Fasting

For the past few years, with this church and my previous church home, I have participated in the January 21 days of prayer and fasting.  And I have periodically fasted some throughout the years.  Both for spiritual clarification and health reasons.  This time will be a mixture of both but will lean heavily on the spiritual side. Spiritually, I kind of feel all over the place with my relationship with God.  I’m not doing anything wrong, but I feel like it is time for me to mature a little bit in my spiritual growth.  And since I’ve had that feeling, I’ve been kind of floundering.  I know I need to bring it to God and then lay at His feet for an answer.

While studying the book of Daniel, I got a better idea of where the 21 days came from and the connection to the Daniel fast.  Previously, when I would ask, I was always pointed to Daniel 1, when Daniel refused to defile himself with the King’s food and asked for a test of only veggies and water.  But scripture is clear.  That was only for ten days.  Well, in Daniel 10, I got my answer:

In the third year of King Cyrus of Persia, a message was revealed to Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar. The message was true and was about a great conflict. He understood the message and had understanding of the vision. In those days I, Daniel, was mourning for three full weeks. I didn’t eat any rich food, no meat or wine entered my mouth, and I didn’t put any oil on my body until the three weeks were over. – Daniel 10:1-3 CSB
I’ve personally decided to do the Daniel fast.  I’ve been eating horribly lately, and I need to get my body back on track.  A nice cleanse and reminding my body what fruits and veggies are is needed.


The main reason I wanted to write about what I am doing (elsewhere in the Bible it says not to let other’s know you are fasting) is that I started to work on what I wanted my 21 days to look like and thought it would be beneficially to share my process.


The very first thing I did was go to God in prayer.  I laid out what I wanted to get from this time but left it open to receive what it is that I need from this time.

Fasting in the Bible – Physically

I’m going to refer back to Daniel because that is where it gives us the details on what I can and cannot eat.  Daniel 1 says:

…Let us be given vegetables to eat and water to drink…

At the end of ten days they looked better and healthier than all the young men who were eating the king’s food. So the guard continued to remove their food and the wine they were to drink and gave them vegetables.

Daniel 10 says:

I didn’t eat any rich food, no meat or wine entered my mouth, and I didn’t put any oil on my body until the three weeks were over.

Diving deeper into the cross-references, it is clear that this fast is no meat, wine, fat, or blood.  Right now, I have a lot of frozen items that can be used for smoothies.  Last year I did a 10-day smoothie cleanse that I will most likely do again.  I plan to meal prep my 21 days out, gather all of the ingredients, and place small orders for what I need to purchase.  Planning this part ahead reduces my chances of falling off the wagon food-wise.

Fasting in the Bible – Spiritually

I wrote previously about what I learned about fasting earlier this year.  I needed a refresher.  I wanted to make sure I was approaching this fast biblically.  Here is Isaiah 58:

“Why have we fasted, but you have not seen?
We have denied ourselves, but you haven’t noticed!”
These are Israel’s words to God.
“Look, you do as you please on the day of your fast,
and oppress all your workers.
You fast with contention and strife
to strike viciously with your fist.
You cannot fast as you do today,
hoping to make your voice heard on high.
Will the fast I choose be like this:
A day for a person to deny himself,
to bow his head like a reed,
and to spread out sackcloth and ashes?
Will you call this a fast
and a day acceptable to the Lord?
Isn’t this the fast I choose:
To break the chains of wickedness,
to untie the ropes of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free,
and to tear off every yoke?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
to bring the poor and homeless into your house,
to clothe the naked when you see him,
and not to ignore your own flesh and blood?
Then your light will appear like the dawn,
and your recovery will come quickly.
Your righteousness will go before you,
and the Lord’s glory will be your rear guard.
At that time, when you call, the Lord will answer;
when you cry out, he will say, ‘Here I am.’
If you get rid of the yoke among you,
the finger-pointing and malicious speaking,
and if you offer yourself to the hungry,
and satisfy the afflicted one,
then your light will shine in the darkness,
and your night will be like noonday.
The Lord will always lead you,
satisfy you in a parched land,
and strengthen your bones.
You will be like a watered garden
and like a spring whose water never runs dry.
Some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins;
you will restore the foundations laid long ago;
you will be called the repairer of broken walls,
the restorer of streets where people live.
“If you keep from desecrating the Sabbath,
from doing whatever you want on my holy day;
if you call the Sabbath a delight,
and the holy day of the Lord honorable;
if you honor it, not going your own ways,
seeking your own pleasure, or talking business;
then you will delight in the Lord,
and I will make you ride over the heights of the land,
and let you enjoy the heritage of your father Jacob.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
The emphasis added is mine.  I wanted the actions that God is telling us to take when it comes to fasting to stand out.  During these 21 days, I want to dive deeper into this chapter.  I want to understand more about what God wants from us biblically during a fast.  I want to read more about those who fasted in the Bible.

Bible Reading

My time in the Bible is one of the things I need clarification on.  I am currently reading one Psalm a day.  And my study time is spent in Judges (chronologically) and also in Daniel (inductively).  And while I am getting something from both studies, I want to make sure that I am following God’s path when it comes to my study time.  I’m aware that I may be overthinking this because I am a recovering perfectionist, and this could be the enemy’s way of pulling me from studying the Bible altogether.

Regularly, when I do the 21 days of prayer and fasting, I read the book of John.  There are precisely 21 chapters, and it’s the perfect book for someone that is wanting to draw closer to Jesus.  Because this is a habit, I will most likely do this again unless God steers me in a different direction.  But here are some other books in the Bible that by reading one chapter a day will have you reading the whole book in less than 21 days.
I also went to Pinterest to see what else I could do.  While I have decided that I most likely won’t follow these, I wanted to provide you with options because they are thorough.


This time of prayer and fasting comes at a perfect time for me.  Taking a step back and spending intentional time with God is something that frequently provides me with a reset.  Corporately, with what is happening around the world with the COVID pandemic and in our nation with racial and social injustice, it was needed.  Personally, while things have been okay, it is always a good thing for me to plug in with God to make sure that I am still following the path that He is leading me on.  I hope that you can join us, and the resources that I provided are helpful during your time of fasting and prayer.

All 66 Books Faith

All 66 Books: Song of Songs/Song of Solomon

Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

Song of Songs, also known as Song of Solomon, has been referred to as a book of erotica in the Bible.  While I wouldn’t call it erotica, it does show beautiful imagery of love between man and woman.  I came across the idea to read this book with my husband, so we did as our devotional time for a few nights.  It didn’t get us hot and bothered, but hey, maybe we were reading the wrong translation.  According to Crossway, it takes 17 minutes to read through Song of Songs/Solomon.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read Song of Songs/Solomon through on your own:

Bible Project

Drop me a comment if you have taken the 17 minutes to read Song of Songs/Solomon.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!

All 66 Books Faith

All 66 Books: 1st Samuel

Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

I read 1st Samuel in my Chronological Bible, and it was my first time getting through this book.  According to Crossway, it takes 2 hours and 14 minutes to read through the book of 1st Samuel.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read 1st Samuel through on your own:

Precepts For Life

1st Samuel Part 1 Study Guide

1st Samuel Part 2 Videos

Bible Project

Drop me a comment if you have taken the 2 hours and 14 minutes to read 1st Samuel.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!

All 66 Books Faith

All 66 Books: John

Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

John is my favorite gospel and I have read it and studied it many times.  I have actually started to read 1 chapter of John each day when I do my 21 days of fasting and praying in January as a way to see Jesus more clearly.  For my All 66 Books, I did watch The Gospel of John on Netflix, which is a word for word account. According to Crossway, it takes 1 hour and 51 minutes to read through The Gospel of John.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read The Gospel of John through on your own:

Dallas Theological Seminary

The Gospel of John

Bible Project


Drop me a comment if you have taken the 1 hour and 51 minutes to read The Gospel of John.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!