Resources Writing

Hope Writer’s Recap Part 1

This past week, Hope*Writer’s was one of the companies that offered some of their resources for free while we have been practicing social distancing.  They gave everyone that signed up access to 15 of their Tuesday Teaching’s, which they said were handpicked by their community as the best of the best.

I’ve heard of Hope*Writer’s from their founder Emily P. Freeman, author of The Next Right Thing.  It is a membership service described as “a community of working writers dedicated to the success and creativity of each member.”  I’ve always been interested in it but don’t consider myself a serious enough writer to pay the $47 a month to join.

I learned quite a bit from the teachers this week and wanted to share with you some of my notes.  I plan on creating some action steps and executing them here on the blog and in future endeavors.

Jo Saxton

I had never heard of Jo Saxton, but immediately after watching her teaching, I went right to her social media to follow her.  Her leadership skills were evident in her speaking, and she was so down to earth.  Here are a few of my favorite things from what she said.

Your passions arrive before the work does.

There is a colloboration even in the book you wrote yourself.

If you want to level up your leadership, you need to build your village (relational and professional).

You need two sets of people.  People who give you roots that support and encourage and are a relational investment that gives you the courage to write.  And people who give you wings who actually help you get things done and help you build the career.

When I was starting out, I had opportunities because other leaders got out of the way.  Those smaller amounts were blessings in my beginnings.

Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins was another author I had not had the pleasure of knowing beforehand.  What was interesting about his interview was that he is venturing into the ghostwriting arena, and he named some pretty big names who are ghostwriters as well, like Ryan Holiday.  Some of my favorite advice from him was less about being a writer and more on how to be a mentee.

I end things so I can begin the next thing.

The best deadlines are honest deadlines.

Assume the future you is lazier than the current you and you will never be disappointed.

A question from Seth Godin that he uses, “Why can’t you just do it until it stops being fun?”

If you want to get into anything, you have got to fall in love with the word “yes”.  Yes, I can do that and here’s how.  And then find a way to make it work.

Any time you are meeting with someone who you preceive their time is more valuable than yours: 1. always take notes and 2. send an email immediately saying here is what I got out of the meeting.  Then follow up once you have done it.

The only thing I know how to do reasonably well is not quit.

I’m free to succeed because I don’t need the success.

You cannot love something you are trying to control because control is about fear and fear and love does not go together.

Katherine Reay

Now Katherine Reay is someone I was familiar with.  I read her book, The Printed Letter Bookshop.  While I have no plans to be a traditional author in the sense of writing a book, I know if I ever do, it will most likely not be fiction, which is her genre.  And while I didn’t get as much from her teaching as some of the others, it was interesting to see how she structures her week to get her writing done.

You cannot create and edit at the same time.

Get the words out as fast as you can on the paper without your editorial mind.  Then go in and edit it.

Annie F. Downs

Annie F. Downs is one of the more prominent names (at least to me) that was one of the speakers.  Her book, 100 Days to Brave, has been all over the place.  Including my bookshelf even though I haven’t read it yet.  She gave a lot of details on creative ways to get your books in people’s hands and how to start speaking.  And while again, I don’t plan on being a book author or a speaker, it was great to learn the business behind her brand.

The actual thing you want to do forever is being you.

You need to have a thesis statement.

Every January make a yes or no list.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places. (Psalm 16:6 CSB)

Not all callings are created equallly; not all personalities are the same. – Emily

Kelly Minter

Before this week, I knew that Kelly Minter was a Bible teacher, but I can’t remember where for the life of me I heard of her from.  I am just going to assume social media right now because it doesn’t appear she was a speaker at the Enjoy God’s Word Bible Conference.  The funny thing is, when I look at all the speakers and who I think I could closely relate to work-wise, it is Kelly.  I love Bible reading and studying and could see myself one day doing a Bible Study.  I may have been so wrapped up in what she was saying I didn’t take many notes.  But she gave some pointers that I will share.

To get your insight, follow your questions and start digging.  Look at the cross references before commentaries.

Look around at people who are already doing it well.

Be a student of Bible studies.

Use a pilot group to review your studies.

Michele Cushatt

Michele Cushatt is another author that I hadn’t heard of before her session.  She wrote what appears to be a deeply personal memoir and touched on how to write about hard topics and when to share.  This was especially important to me because my blog is personal, yet it is crucial to know what not to share with the world.

People don’t connect with perfection, they connect with pain

It’s always the right time to write; it’s not always the right time to share.

When trying to determine how much to share, ask yourself the following: What’s my objective? Who is my audience? How much time do I have? What parts of my story is necessary to my objective’s? Do I have permission to tell this?

Ashlyn Carter

YouTube introduced me to Ashlyn Carter a while ago but more so because of her planning and productivity videos.  I knew she was a writer, but that isn’t the content I paid attention to.  Man, oh man, did I waste my time.  I learned the most information from Ashlyn’s session. So much so that it’s been hard to break it down to a couple of lines like the others.  Ashlyn is a copywriter, and I realized that gave her a unique insight into the blogging world, social media captions, and newsletters.  All things I would love to learn about and get better at.  There was just so much information that I am hoping to put into practice right away.  And I have immediately subscribed to her YouTube channel and can’t wait to binge-watch!

Use formula’s: Problem, Agitation, Solution

The word “YOU” can be so powerful.

Listen to what people want and then say it back to them.

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

Alright, I am going to end this post here cause it’s getting long!  Stay tuned for the final post outlining the other speakers and teachers!

*All images from Hope*Writer’s website and emails.

Faith Family Marriage

In The Middle of a Hard Marriage

When I settled on marriage as one of my March themes for Year of Healthy, I had no intention of actually writing about it.  I mentioned that it was extremely personal, and I hadn’t been released to from God or my husband.  Then one weekend, while talking with Chris, we were going over how we both have had some wins lately.  In our marriage and out of our marriage.  We recognized that it was because of God and openly gave Him praise.  Then I started to think about some of the advice I’ve been given throughout our marriage.  What worked and what didn’t work.   I thought about the research I did when I was struggling and what I found and what I didn’t find.  One of the things that I did not see was someone that was in the middle of difficulties and what they did.  So many people gave advice multiple years removed from their struggles.  The frustrating part would be, when they reminisced about having a difficult time, but couldn’t tell you how they overcame them.  I vividly remember only two people that were able to give me advice on what they did (I will mention that these two people, we look to as wise counsel, and they have sat with us multiple times, mostly individually).  So after talking to Chris about that, I told him I wanted to share our “in the middle.”  He gave me his blessing, and I believe, that, and the fact that this even popped into my mind, was God’s way of saying do it.  I will say this will obviously be written from my perspective and thoughts.  Chris will read it before it’s published (as he does any post where he is mentioned, or the information may be sensitive to us – like when finance was my topic).  My goal is to write in such a way that I don’t have to remove anything.

Very Little Background

Today, we are celebrating eight years of marriage.  In the midst of 2019, I would have told you that each year was getting harder. Before marriage, I was someone who was driven, strong-willed, and a planner.  I knew exactly how I wanted my life to go, and I followed that plan.  And expected it to continue when I got married.  But the first three years, disrupted that plan.  Now to be fair, I want to point out that we had some outside factors that impacted our marriage that we could not prevent.  The first three years were lived in a blur. Those first three years, we were in survival mode and didn’t have time to have problems.  Once things settled, though, that is when our problems started.  The next five years were hell because we refused to deal with those earlier issues or communicate at all.

But I also thought I knew what was right.  That plan I created?  Even though things didn’t go that way, I expected us to get back on track.  And when it didn’t happen, I focused on other things.  But because I wasn’t successful at being a wife, I started questioning every other role in my life.  I eventually lost who I was.  Now, this wasn’t at the fault of my husband.  More so from what I exposed myself to.  Other people and marriages that I was trying to mimic ours around.  Things that I wanted to do that were discouraged. Somethings I didn’t want to do, that was pushed on me. I was so unhappy that I was willing to change anything.  So I tried to do what I saw people who appeared to be happy do.  This is the dangerous part of building a community.  I got to a point where I couldn’t take any of it anymore.  If you have read some of my previous posts, you will know that in 2019, I left for what I call a sabbatical.  During that time, I strengthened my relationship with God and dived into His Word.  I focused on me.  I had to work through all of this when I realized I didn’t know who I was anymore.  I couldn’t tell you what I liked.  And what I could come up with (for example reading), I hadn’t done in ages.  It was time for a change, so I started working on me.

But I Can Change Him

Now, some advice that I have been given a bunch of times was I can’t change Chris.  And I tried to—a lot. I fought against this advice because I wasn’t the problem.  He was, and he had all types of issues to work out. It took me a while, but I realized that this was toxic thinking.  Because I was trying to make myself out to be perfect. I was also speaking horribly over my life partner. And let’s be real, the problems in our marriage, clearly showed that HIS issues were really OUR issues.  So all of the years, I spent trying to get him to change was wasted.  Because guess what? You can’t change another person.  Well, you kind of can, but we will get to that in a second.  But one thing you can for sure change is yourself.  Give me a moment to explain because if you were like me, you are probably yelling at your screen, saying, “I am not the problem!”

After a million times trying to change Chris, I gave up.  It was exhausting; I was drained; I was tired.  I decided to become selfish.  But in a good way. I went searching for things that bought me joy.  Because of my personality, a lot of that ended up being self-improvement things.  I was reading again.  I was listening to podcasts.  What I was watching on T.V. was either educational or funny.  Now, to be completely honest,  this was shortly after a time where God was convicting me on the useless things I allowed to come into my spirit.  I wasn’t listening to secular music.  I wasn’t watching movies with a bunch of cursing and sex scenes.  But I want to be clear that although this is something that God convicted me on, it ended up helping me find me and what I enjoyed again. I also focused on how each thing could be applied to my life and what changes I could make because of what I was taking in.  This became a big part of why I created this blog and what I try and showcase.  How I saw things and thought about things was changing.  What I worried and stressed over was changing.  And then I realized, maybe how I was handling my marriage was wrong.  So my prayer became, God, how can I become the wife you need me to be for Chris?  I finally realized that Chris wasn’t going to change.  But I could. I was already starting to see what focusing on me was doing. What would happen if instead of doing this for me, I did it for my marriage? My relationships with others? My community?  I started to focus on being a better person for others after I took the time to focus on me.

That’s Great And All But What About My Marriage

Now our marriage didn’t magically become better.  I had moments where I slipped up.  Things were still pretty rough.  But after one particularly bad argument, we were told to do somethings that I think added to the work I was already doing.  We were told to do a daily devotional together.  And for Chris to pray out loud for me every day.  We were giving some other things to do, but those two things are what we were told to start with that we are currently doing.  We are doing the Kingdom Marriage Devotional by Tony Evans (I’m also reading the book on my own).  The devotional is formated in a brief 1 1/2 page devotional, three application questions, and a prayer.  Specifically, the questions have allowed us to be open and honest and communicate with each other about things that are important to our marriage.  Things that we had long forgotten about or just didn’t seem relevant to each other.  This paved the way for conversations that came from our answers, us sharing our concerns, and just being able to talk again.  It was a safe space to say, “this is the problem I have, and I would like to work through it.”  We always add to the prayer that Dr. Evans gives and try to cover things that we spoke about in our answers.  Chris also prays over me before he leaves for work.  This has made me feel loved and appreciated. We have started to dream again and talk about goals.  The important part is we are back communicating.

We are a long way from our problems being fixed.  We still have to do work every single day. But we see fruit from this.  In our marriage and our individual lives.  I think this is because we finally found the right order to things (thanks to the book).  My husband had to come under submission to Christ as the head of our household.  Not saying that wasn’t done previously, but it wasn’t done with intentionality and wholeheartedly.  At the same time (and that part is essential), I had to come under the submission of my husband.  Now I have always believed in the husband being the head of the household.  But my actions didn’t always show this.  I mentioned I was a strong-willed and driven person.  So I thought I knew best and didn’t honestly want to hear my husband’s opinion.  This was wrong in so many ways, but mainly because we are in a partnership, and I shouldn’t discount his thoughts and suggestions.  I was, also, 100 times nicer and more accepting of other people’s views and opinions outside my home.  But what I have learned from this is, the more I come under actual submission under Chris, the more apparent it is that we really are in this together.  He isn’t trying to rule me.  He listens to my ideas, and we, as a couple, create a solution.

Speak Life and Praise God

Changing my thought life and what I speak, also helped a ton.  I wrote about affirmations and manifesting before, but I started to put this into action.  I began to talk to Chris like the man and husband I knew he could be through Christ.  I spoke positively about our marriage.  I spoke scripture over us.  I asked God to let me be a wife that Chris can love, and he be the husband that I could respect. (Ephesians 5:33)  Allow us to be indeed one flesh.  (Genesis 2:24) Allow us to fulfill our marital duties to each other. (1 Corinthians 7:3).  I also spoke some specific scripture over the goals we had together and individually.  And actually, in my Bible reading now, I specifically look for things that I can turn into prayers and affirmations.  Characteristics of people that God found righteous.  Verses that speak to our identity in Christ.  So…many…proverbs.  I was previously one of those people that was making prayer so hard, and therefore, I struggled.  But God’s Word is so full of things that we can pray over ourselves and our loved ones.  This has made such a huge difference in how I have felt, how I look at situations, and how I handle things.  I am still not 100%, but I’ve come a long way, and it’s important to acknowledge that.

Lastly, it is important to give praise and honor to God for what He is doing in our marriage and our lives.  I make it a point to thank Him daily (multiple times a day really) for what He is doing.  Even if that particular day was terrible, I still thank Him for the work He is doing in our marriage and lives.  This frequently leads to me being thankful for other things and talking to God about what He is doing and His attributes.  I never want to forget who it was that made this happen.  Who allowed us to be able to do the work.  I know for me specifically, when I turned to build my relationship and foundation with God, and then when we brought Him into our marriage, mountains moved.  And to think, it started with me realizing that no, I couldn’t change him, but God could if He saw fit.  Thank God that He ended up changing us both.

Tl;dr? Marriage is hard.  We are in the middle of one now.  Here is what we are doing:

*Get closer to God.  Get selfish.  Focus on you and start doing what brings you joy.

*Don’t mimic other marriages.

*Pray about how YOU can change and do better

*Do a daily devotional with your husband.  Preferably, one with questions.

*Have your husband pray over you, out loud, each day.

*Get your house in order, and both of you come under submission: Christ -> Husband -> Wife

*Speak life into your husband and pray scripture over them.

*Give praise and honor to God along the way.

All 66 Books

All 66 Books: Colossians

Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

According to Crossway, it takes 13 minutes to read the full book of Colossians, which is another letter from Paul.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read Colossians through on your own:

The Bible Project


Drop me a comment if you have taken the 13 minutes to read Colossians.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!


Rhenáe’s Randoms: Preparation to Action

I am dropping in with an unscheduled blog post to share with y’all some things that have been on my mind.

For the past couple of months, God has placed the word “prepare” on my heart.  I didn’t understand what He meant, so I decided to dive deeper into His Word and increase my prayer life with Him.  I felt like he was dropping so many topics and areas into my head when it came to this.  In my human mind, I couldn’t possibly juggle and prepare for all of these areas at once.  Or even back to back.  But during my studying and praying, God kept reminding me that I couldn’t do anything in my strength alone.  That I needed God for all things, and I needed to start remembering that every single minute of the day.

I started to journal about all the things God dropped into my spirit and asked God to help guide what He needed me to do.  Some of these topics were not new ideas for me.  They were things that I either purposely put on the backburner or was just being lazy and not listening to God when He spoke them.  I repented for this and asked God to give me the desire and push to do all the things that He wanted me to do.  I also started to research and downloaded a lot.  Actually, I was collecting a lot but not doing much with the information I was receiving.  And with this pandemic stuff going on, there has been even more information out there.  People and businesses are providing their resources for free or at a discount.

But with that, also comes a lot of misinformation being shared.  Not to mention all of the news and updates we are receiving.  So it is essential to filter everything through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.  One of the crucial messages The Church is sending out right now is faith over fear.  While many are saying that this is an unprecedented time, by reading my Bible, I realized that none of this is new to God and is not unique to the world.  So I agree with making sure we use this time to grow closer to God, read His Word, and not allowing fear to lead us.

This morning I felt the push to move from preparation to action.  I feel like I have the time now, even more than before, to start to do this.  Here are a few things I did:

  • I opened my Bible.  I don’t know if this is a good thing or not, but I find that I get a ton of ideas and thoughts when I am reading my Bible.  So when I am sitting down at a time where I feel overwhelmed, it makes sense for me to read my Bible.  It gives me a sense of peace and understanding.  It helps all the things jumbled in my head, get straightened out, and make sense.
  • I pulled out my notebook and started to clear my mind.  I listed everything I heard God speaking, everything that crossed my mind that I needed to do, random things, etc.  I do this frequently when I feel overwhelmed, and when I feel like God is telling me something.  Then I take those things and decide what needs to be done now, what needs to be scheduled for later, and what needs to be broken into action steps.
  • I pulled out my planners.  I have been using a daily Day Designer that I grabbed from Target last year.  It ends in June, but I am a big future planner, so I went ahead and set up my daily Erin Condren binder.  Erin Condren was the first planner company I used when I graduated to being serious about daily planning back in 2013/2014.  So I am happy to try out her binder system. My idea with the planners is actually to do the scheduling I mentioned above.  I’ve been in a mood, on and off for a few months, where I have all these plans and just haven’t been doing them.  So to avoid this, I go ahead and schedule it, and then I am more likely to do these things.
  • I have some stickers.  Because I may get bored or a little scattered, and planning with stickers helps make it fun.
  • Set up my iPad. I tend to do a lot of work on my laptop and cell phone.  So I keep my iPad up for videos and things I want to take in.  I mentioned above, I was downloading a lot of information, so I decided to start going through the information, writing down what I learned and planning out the steps I could take from what I learned. For instance, today, I wanted to see what One Big Happy Family was saying about the economy and personal finance.  I was able to catch a live of theirs.  They were talking about what is happening recently and why her method of prioritizing saving and wealth-building over paying off debt is essential in a time like this where people are losing their jobs and need to rely on that savings for the unforeseeable future.


I honestly don’t know what is next for me; what is going to come from this. But I am excited to see what God does with all of this.  I believe strongly in Romans 8:28.  “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”  There are lessons to be learned.  Families to spend more time with.  Dreams to be achieved.  Rest to be had.  Take this time to do what is best for you and your family.

*I included my Erin Condren referral link in this post.  In addition to you getting $10 off your first purchase, I earn rewards as well!

*I included my Day Designer referral link in this post.  Sign up for their newsletter for free printable and 10% off your order!  I receive a small commission at no cost to you.

All 66 Books

All 66 Books: Ephesians

Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

As a letter to one of the early churches, I wanted to read Ephesians to get an idea of what the church should look like and what instructions were given to us.  According to Crossway, it only takes 19 minutes to read through Ephesians.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read Ephesians through on your own:

Precepts For Life/Inductive Bible Study


The Bible Project


Leave me a comment below if you have taken the 19 minutes to read Ephesians.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!


Rhenáe’s Randoms: 3/14/20

This post is not about that virus!  But it accelerated my plans a little bit, so I wanted to share.


If you follow me here or on social media, you know that for February, my Year of Healthy theme was going Plant-Based. And while it didn’t continue through March, I decided instead of heading to the grocery store, I was going to eat and cook based on what we had at the house.  After a ton of eating out and ordering in, of course, cause I was tired of cooking! But sometime in February, we cleaned out our pantry to reorganize it.  We trashed anything that was expired.  Took stock of what we were low on and added them to our grocery list for the future.  Chris and I also talked about things he wishes we kept on hand that he liked to eat.  Of course, we need to find a balance of healthy foods.  But it started me thinking about what should be in my pantry?  What should I always have on hand?  I planned to potentially talk about this in a future Year of Healthy post where I focus on food again or maybe concentrate on my home.  I added it to my “do later” list.  Cleaning out the pantry showed me what I had on hand, and I knew we had a good amount of meat and dairy in the freezer to use up.  So we were good to go for a while.


However, I am also dealing with a couple of problems that might make this a challenge.  First, I have a medical condition that requires me to know exactly what goes into my body to prevent flare-ups.  I am still learning what I can and cannot eat.  While I have eliminated most processed foods, some regular foods can still be tricky.  Secondly, Chris is a picky eater.  Before February, I would have told you he hates all things healthy, but he tore up most of the vegan meals I made.  But his preference is processed foods.  The opposite of me.  I need to find the balance of what foods to keep on hand that he will eat and foods that are good for us.  Lastly, I hate wasting food.  I want to be able to rotate out the items because having to trash things that have expired hurts my heart.  Pantry and freezers items tend to have a longer shelf life, so I wanted to plan out what we could buy, keep for a while, and the best time to replace it.  Currently, I am doing better about not wasting my perishable items because I am going to the grocery store more often and am learning to buy what I need to get me to the next trip only.

What Changed?

So here it is, March 13th (yesterday), and since I’ve been on a cooking strike, Chris and I have been relying heavily on what we have on hand.  And our kitchen was starting to look a little bare…in the middle of a virus pandemic where people are panicking and stockpiling like martial law is on its way and we won’t be able to leave our house for months.  I get it.  People handle these situations in different ways.  And thanks to consistent time with God, therapy appointments, and St. John’s Wort, I am feeling pretty well despite all of this…while I stay in my house.  (BTW #SocialDistancing is now my practice for life)  But I usually am consistent with heading to the grocery store and staying stocked up, so I was starting to get a bit concerned.  I mean, we are finishing up week 11 of the year, and I have already gone to the grocery store 15 times (not including Amazon deliveries).  So to be running low on essentials and not being able to find them, it’s a bit annoying. I got what I could, said a prayer for the rest, and started planning.

What’s Next?

Staying prepared means you do not have to get prepared.  I know this well enough as a military wife and a Floridian who has survived a few hurricane seasons.  So I decided to hit up YouTube and IG to see who could help me with this.  One person I love is Jordan Page from Fun, Cheap and Free, and she had a video on what you should store at home.  She recommends to slowly start with a stockpile of 3 months worth of items you would need to survive (food, water, supplies).  Buy 1 for now and 2 for later when things go on sale.  Doing this allows you to rotate through your items without stocking up and going too crazy.  I will note that she appears to be following her denomination of Christianity, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and how they recommend staying prepared.  I’ve checked it out, and it is pretty solid advice, but Jordan has it packaged in a way that anyone can use it.  Here are some posts of hers that I enjoyed:

Emergency Prep and Food Storage

Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Kitchen Staples

So while, at this very moment, I can’t do much about the essentials I ran out of that the store didn’t have stocked (like beans), I was able to make a decent grocery trip yesterday.  I built a list of items that we should keep stocked.  I added the things that we consistently eat.  Between grocery apps and circulars, I will pay attention to sale prices to know when to purchase again and stock up (Remember buy 1 for now and 2 for later.  Let’s save food for the rest of the world.).  Tracking this information also lets me know when the best time to buy these items is as well.  I’ve created a list of things I should buy every week (perishable items like milk, eggs, and spinach) and what I should buy every month (potatoes, rice, etc.).

This also goes beyond my kitchen and into our household products and cleaning supplies.  Guys, when this pandemic hit, we had four rolls of toilet tissue to our name.  I knew I was going to the store soon, so I wasn’t anxious about getting that low.  Until I got there, and there were zero paper products.  Talk about being concerned for a second.  But then I laughed and said, “God, we need toilet tissue.  I trust that you will be able to make that happen before we run out.”  Do you know what happened?  Chris called before he came home today and said he stopped at the store and they had toilet tissue, did I want him to grab some?  So he did.  We grabbed a big pack to get us through and left the rest for others.  Because I trust that when I need more, either this thing will be over or God will provide.  This faith has been years in the making, by the way.  Two years ago, I would have had a breakdown and cried about this.  Progress.  So while I know this is a scary time for many, I recommend using this time to plan and prepare.  Hurricane season is right around the corner.  Something like this may happen again.  Heck, a personal emergency could happen.  It’s best to stay prepared.  Let me know in the comments what you consider a staple item to keep on hand at all times!  Stay safe!



All 66 Books

All 66 Books: Galatians


Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

Galatians is one of the few books in the New Testament besides the Gospels that I have actually read through previously.  According to Crossway, it takes 20 minutes to read through Galatians.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read Galatians through on your own:

The Bible Project


Leave me a comment below if you have taken the 20 minutes to read Galatians.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!

All 66 Books

#All66Books: I Did It!…Kind of

I’m interrupting my regular scheduled All 66 Books series post by giving a long overdue update.  If you need to catch up on this series, go here and here.

I have officially finished reading the whole Bible.  In under ten months.  For the first time in my 31 years.  Every book, every chapter, every verse.  I say that I did it, but in all reality, this was totally a God thing. This past year and some change have been the most distracting and unfocused of my life.  So to have accomplished something that is a massive feat during that time makes me so grateful.

So this makes me a perfect Christian, right? I mean, I read the full Bible! Who does that besides maybe pastors? Wrong! I ain’t Jesus, so I am far from perfect.  And I have seen so many wonderful people diving into their Bibles and reading them over time and time again.  I’ve even heard so many stories of non-Christians reading it because, after all, it is a fantastic piece of historical literature.  But I still struggle with life.  I still have questions.  I still feel like I have no clue what is going on.  But I have hope.  I have confidence.  I have scripture backed prayers that help me get through day by day.

When I started this journey, I was seeking a deeper relationship with Christ.  And I didn’t think that was possible without reading the Words that He left behind for us.  Have I found that? I truly have.  I feel like my hunger for God and His Word has grown.  I feel like I am more likely to seek God first during situations.  Or earlier in areas I am still struggling in.  I find myself remembering things that I read more.  And I have this strong urge to continue.  I am blessed that I am in a position that I can do this every year.

What are my plans next?

I’ve talked about what I am currently doing a little in this post here, but here are more details. My day to day reading is in the New Testament.  I’ve pretty much been in the Old Testament since June, so I am ready to get a refresher on the NT.  Not to mention, I didn’t start using my color coding/highlighting system in my CSB Day to Day Chronological Bible until Genesis, so rereading the NT allows me to do that.  For my deeper studying, I am starting with Acts and using BibleTalk.TV to go through the book.  I also heard recently about a church that has done sermons on every book of the Bible, verse by verse.  I’m going to check them out (online) and share them if I like them.

While going through my first reading of the Bible, I documented almost 75 different topics I wanted to dive deeper into.  For example, finding out if affirmations and manifesting are biblical concepts (check this post out), looking into the different prophets, glorification.  I feel like these are things that God specifically stopped me for.  While doing my more in-depth study (starting with Acts), as these topics come up again, I’m going to pause and flesh these out.  You will probably see more of this information in my Rhenáe’s Randoms posts.  Speaking of posts, I am going back to posting my Bible reading and/or studying glimpses on my IG.

A Reminder

Why do I share? I want to continue to show you that it is quite simple to jump in and open your Bible and read and study it for yourself. 

💙Look for what the passage says about God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. 

💜Look for what the passage says about God’s Word. 

💖Look for any prayers. 

💛Look for what the passage says that you should be applying to your life. 

💚Look for what the passage says about your identity in Christ or as a child of God.

🧡Look for things you shouldn’t do.⠀⠀⠀

Leave me a comment and let me know how your Bible journey is going!

Faith Family Marriage

Year of Healthy: March

I was pretty torn between two topics for March: marriage and my relationship with God.

My wedding anniversary is in March, and to be honest, marriage is still the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I feel like I’m failing at it every day.  But I’ve also been feeling a stronger urge and push to strengthen my relationship with God through an in-depth study of His Word. You can read about my initial pursuit into this in my All 66 Books posts. But now that I’ve finished reading the whole Bible, I want to go deeper. Dive into all of these questions I had and the topics I wanted to put together. So I struggled with what I wanted to focus on. If you’ve read this Rhenáe’s Random, you know that I am slowly making my way through the New Testament again, focusing on Acts and struggling a bit with the gospels. (this struggle has actually been getting better! Praise God!)

I started to read Kingdom Marriage by Tony Evans. His wife, Lois, recently passed away, and his dedication and devotion to the life she led and the way he is still cultivating the legacy they are leaving made me realize that they were someone I admired and wanted to know more about. He is also a powerhouse Bible teacher and pastor. While reading, I realized to strengthen my marriage, it would take me praying and following the order and alignment that God has outlined. I would only know how to do that by digging into God’s Word.

Here is the thing, my marriage is intensely personal, and not only do I not feel comfortable going into detail on the internet, but neither God nor my husband has released me to do that. But what I can do is let you into my studying of God’s Word. I already do bits of that with my All 66 Books series. As I dig deeper, I’ll share with you my Bibles, resources, and anything else God allows me to share.  I know some of that will touch on marriage.  Just don’t expect the full details that I normally give on these Year of Healthy posts. 💖