All 66 Books Faith

All 66 Books: John

Need some background info on this series? See here and here.

John is my favorite gospel and I have read it and studied it many times.  I have actually started to read 1 chapter of John each day when I do my 21 days of fasting and praying in January as a way to see Jesus more clearly.  For my All 66 Books, I did watch The Gospel of John on Netflix, which is a word for word account. According to Crossway, it takes 1 hour and 51 minutes to read through The Gospel of John.

Just a reminder, it’s best to let scripture interpret scripture. I like these resources because they help me better understand scripture, but I may not agree with everything they say. As in all things, pray and invite God to help you in your time of reading and studying. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and use discernment when using resources outside of the Bible itself. “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15 NIV)

Here are some additional resources I recommend looking into after you read The Gospel of John through on your own:

Dallas Theological Seminary

The Gospel of John

Bible Project


Drop me a comment if you have taken the 1 hour and 51 minutes to read The Gospel of John.  Do you know any other great resources for this book?  Leave them below!

Rhenáe's Recap

Rhenáe’s Recap: 9/1/19 – 9/30/19

New & Notable

Last time on Rhenáe’s Recap, I talked about how I took a mini-break to spend time with God.  I decided to start unplugging entirely on the weekends.  I was able to get a project 18 months in the making done around the house.  I spent some time with some friends I haven’t seen in over six months.  I supported a friend’s book tour and spent time in a bookstore.  More on those in Recently Acquired and Finished.  I’ve also been paying attention to my social media habits during the week.  I’m starting to feel a tad bit distracted and addicted, so I have been trying to unplug more during the week.  I still have to determine how to balance this with posting for my blog.  What’s been a big help is Screen Time on my phone.  I currently have my downtime set from 10 pm to 7 am and all day Saturday and Sunday.  I’ll be honest and say that I do sometimes ignore the limits, but I try and only do 15 minutes at a time.  So far, it has helped me put my phone down more and be physically present in my home.



I wrote a post giving an update on my 2019 Word of the Year.  I wanted to provide this update because I already have my 2020 Word of the Year and have started the planning for that.  I know it may seem early as most people pick theirs in January, but I spend time in prayer asking God to send me mine.  Last year, He gave it to me around Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish new year.  And while I received mine a little earlier this year, it was in the same spirit of me knowing this time of year was coming.  Take a look at the post and be on the lookout for my 2020 post coming soon.





Quick Book Reviews From This Year: 1-5

Five mini-reviews at one time! Check out this post to see some pretty amazing books I read from this summer.






Letters to the Church by Francis Chan

Letters to the Church is one of my favorite books from this year and changed the way I think about the church body.  My first time reading it came at a time where I was trying to decide on finding a new church home.  I reread it and wrote this review.





Other Happenings



I gave you three new Down the TBR Hole posts for September.  I was able to remove a total of 40 books from my TBR list.  Take a look at those posts and let me know if you think I should have kept any of them.



What We Are Watching



A couple of years ago, God impressed on my heart that I needed to change what I was watching on tv.  For the most part, I stopped watching TV altogether.  I feel like recently I have been given the okay to start watching TV again, but I am really conscious about what I allow in. For example, I tried watching the Handmaid’s Tale, and while it was a really good show, I had nightmares for days.  I love crime shows, and any shows that have a mystery to solve.  So I managed to binge-watch all seven seasons of Elementary on Hulu for the past two months.  This show is so good!




Our next show that we are currently binge-watching is Blacklist.  I started watching this show when it first came on T.V., but my dislike for having to wait for the next episode or season made me stop.  The show is currently still running but six seasons are on Netflix.  Fun fact, I use to want to be an FBI agent.  And it was one of the careers that I was preparing for.  I was working on getting my Bachelor’s in Human Services and a Master’s in Public Administration.  Then life happened, and I enjoy watching FBI agents on T.V. instead.




Currently Reading



Yup, I am still reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss.  I found out there is another one called Tribe of Mentors that I cannot wait to get.  But I won’t buy it until I have finished this one and read The 4-Hour Workweek that I also have.  I really love how this book is set up so I can take the nuggets of information individually.  I decided a couple of nights ago to go ahead and read the whole book instead of taking bits and pieces while reading other books.



A friend let me borrow Operating in the Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson, and it was the talk of the town at our church last year.  Although I have read through chapter one, I am going to try and finish Tools of Titans first before I dive into this one.  I feel like it may just be one of those books that needs my full attention.



Recently Finished


The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

I started reading this book for the second time for September and finished it.  It is one of my favorite books from this year, and I recommend everyone read it. I have started to wake up at 4:30 am and will be continuing to add to my morning routine base on recommendations from the book.


Feeding the Dragon by Sharon Washington

I was able to read one of the books on my Down The TBR Hole list and move it to my Read list on GoodReads. A quick, fun, and quirky read about a girl who spent some time living with her family in a New York library.  This is one of the books I was able to download for free from Audible as apart of their Originals content.


Holding Space For Self by Cheya Thousand

Cheya has been in my life personally now for a little over a year, and when I say I am beyond thankful for her friendship, I am not exaggerating.  At a time where I am re-evaluating what it means to be a friend and have friends, she is someone who embodies the word.  She has been pouring wisdom and love into our friendship from day one, and I look to her as a mentor and all-around #BlackExcellance.  As soon as she told me about her book, I knew I would purchase it and was able to attend her book signing this month to get a copy in my hands. She is currently doing a book tour, and I promise you it is worth it to go, pick one up and hang out with her.  Head to to see when she will be in a city near you.


We’re Going to Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union

I unexpectedly started AND finished this book when I was walking around my neighborhood.  I needed something to listen to and just picked this one from my Audible library.  I did not expect it to be so funny!


Recently Acquired


I was able to pick up the following at the San Marco Bookstore while I was there earlier this month.  It was an adorable bookshop that I wouldn’t mind going to again.


Cinder Girl by Christina Meredith




The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene


Goodreads Challenge Update: 50/52

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.

Rhenáe's Recap

Rhenáe’s Recap: 8/11/19 – 8/31/19

New & Notable


I took a mini break after realizing that I was experiencing some type of block when it comes to reading and writing my reviews for the blog.  I decided I needed to spend some time with God just to make sure I was still on the right path.  And man, am I glad I did that.  I was able to start and create over 20 posts to release for the blog.  I’m excited for two (maybe even three) series that I will be launching later this year.  For now, it’s a secret but here is a hint for two: they combine reading and growth.




I’ve also started to share in my Instagram and Facebook stories the free book deals that I get daily.  The genres range from Romance, Self Help, Business and Christian.  You can download using Amazon Kindle or Apple Books.  They normally only last a day so make sure you check them out and download them if you think they sound like a good read.





The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

This review was a long time coming.  But I finally got it done! Now the real work begins.  As I mentioned in the post, the book is formated as a 12-week course.  So I plan on starting today with writing my morning pages and going on my artist dates.  Cameron does recommend that you keep the morning pages to yourself but I will share what I can over on  Instagram and Facebook.




Educated by Tara Westover

The review was crazy for me to write. This was an audiobook that I listened to on a roadtrip.  I didn’t expect a lot of notes but when I had so many opinions, I turned to my voice memo app.  Listening to my voice while typing out my notes was weird. But I got it done. Finally.  This was an amazing book that was unexpected.



Other Happenings

Down the TBR Hole #21-40

I skipped a week with doing this meme so I doubled up with this one.  I walked through 20 books from my TBR list and made decisions on if I was keeping them or removing them from the list.



What We Are Watching


My husband and I watched both seasons of this (20 episodes) over the past few weeks.  It was a hilarious show for the most part with some serious issues sprinkled in.  Now the part that I hate, we have to wait for the next season.



We also watched the first season of this show (5 episodes).  I’m not sure what the plans are for future seasons but it was an excellent show. What I enjoyed about it was the behind the scenes into what this process and what the criminal justice system does on someone’s mental health. Good news for Meek is that his case was officially closed this week.  This nightmare is over for him but his bringing awareness to the problem is just starting.



Currently Reading


Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss –Honestly, this is the only book that I have been actively reading while on my break.  I think it’s because of how it’s presented with each titan having a couple of pages.  So it’s almost like I’m reading a quick snapshot of each one instead of a book.


All of the other books I’ve started and just haven’t been able to finish are currently on hold.  It’s been a while so I am going to have to start them from the beginning anyway.  Feel free to click the Rhenae’s Recap tag below to see them.  If they haven’t moved to Finished Reading, they are on hold ;).

Finished Reading


The Southern Hero by Lenora Worth




Recently Acquired


Her One Mistake by Heidi Perks (giveaway win)


The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman



Dear John by Linda Heavner Gerald (giveaway win)


Grind: A No-Bullshit Approach to Take Your Business from Concept to Cash Flow by Michael J. McFall (giveaway win)



Goodreads Challenge Update: 45/52

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.