Down The TBR Hole

Down the TBR Hole #221 – 240

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #221-240!  What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my insanely long TBR list on Goodreads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Need to catch up?  Click here to go to the previous post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I think this is the first week ever that I am starting with the same number I ended with in the last post.  I’m proud of myself, but I am also struggling because I am not reading books on my TBR list as I should be.  If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen previously that I am on both a Kindle Unlimited and Black Romance kick right now.  And I haven’t taken the time to add any books that I want to read on my TBR.  I just read them. Kicking off this week with 4,657 books on my TBR list.  Let’s get started.




1. Financially Fearless: The LearnVest Program for Taking Control of Your Money by Alexa Von Tobel

I would love to learn more about this 50/20/30 plan they have, so I am keeping this one.






2. Live It, Love It, Earn It: A Woman’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Marianna Olszewski

I’ll probably be keeping all the finance books because it is a passion of mine, and I could learn all day long about this topic.  It’s also a plus that it’s a female author.  Keeping this one.






3. The Laws of Money, The Lessons of Life: 5 Timeless Secrets to Get Out and Stay Out of Financial Trouble by Suze Orman

One of the original people I started to follow when it came to finances (a true OG).  Keeping her on the list.






4. MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins

I’ve heard of Tony Robbins as a motivational speaker but not in the financial world.  But I love that it appears he did his research by reaching out to the experts to write this book. I am keeping this one.






5. Smart Women Finish Rich: 9 Steps to Achieving Financial Security and Funding Your Dreams by David Bach

I’m not a fan of men who write books for women.  So I am removing this one.







6. The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason

This is one of those classic books but one that I don’t mind reading.  I am keeping this one.






7. Your Money and Your Man: How You and Prince Charming Can Spend Well and Live Rich by Michelle Singletary

Another OG in the financial world for me.  It’s a major plus that she is a woman of color because until recently, I wasn’t seeing anyone that looked like me in the “famous” financial world (think Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman).  I am keeping this book.






8. Spend Well, Live Rich by Michelle Singletary

Another one from Michelle Singletary and I have had this book on my list for so long.  I am keeping this one.






9. Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered World by Karen Ehman

I believe once upon a time, I was very others-centered.  I regularly did for others, helped others, and put others first.  Somewhere along the way, I gave that up and became super all about me.  There has to be some balance I can achieve.  So I am keeping this one.





10. Beyond Jabez: Expanding Your Borders by Bruce Wilkinson

Okay, so apparently this book is a follow up to his original book, Prayer of Jabez (which is also on my list).  Both books are about prayer but the first book, more specifically on 1st Chronicles 4:10.  I had to look up the verse, and it makes me wonder why out of all the prayers in the Bible, this is the one that was chosen to write a book on.  I am removing this one.






11. Sister Betty! God’s Calling You, Again! by Pat G’Orge-Walker

Oh my goodness, this seems like it would be a funny book.  I haven’t read too many funny Christian books (at least I think this is Christian fiction, but it is for sure African American fiction), so I am keeping this one.






12. Drawn to Destiny: How to Discover and Bring to Fruition Your True Purpose in Life by Yvonne Capehart

Hmm, so I think the purpose of my life books has come back around as an interest for me.  No telling if that will be the case by the time I get around to reading some of these, but for now, I will keep this one.






13. What Do I Know About My God? by Mardi Collier

One thing I like about this book is that it speaks about reading the Bible to get to know God.  The other thing is that it includes a study method.  I am keeping this one.






14. The Pursuit of God: The Human Thirst for the Divine by A.W. Tozer

One of the classics.  A.W. Tozer is one of those Christian authors I always see quoted.  And while I may have removed some of his other books until I know more about him, I know this particular book is one that I want to read.  I am keeping this one.






15. Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliot

I was torn with this book.  While I would love to “learn what it means to be a woman” by starting “with the One who made her.”, a part of me is not wanting to limit my focus on just being a woman.  I’m going to go ahead and remove this one.






16. The Role of a Lifetime – The Script God Wrote for Women by Claudia Barba

Remember what I just said up above?  This is why I am torn.  Because this study seems more like a book that I would read about God’s role for women.  That means I am keeping it.





17. The 21 Tenets of Biblical Feminity: Transforming Girls into Young Ladies by Jerry & Sheryl Ross

My initial thought was, did Jerry throw his wife in as an author because he knew how wrong it was for a man to write about Femininity? Although I wouldn’t mind reading about this topic, it grinds my gears that the primary author is a man.  There are so many books by amazing women that write about this topic.  Removing this one.




18. The Choice is Yours: Life Happens. Walking with God is a Decision. by Terrie Chappell

From personal experience, I’ve learned recently that decision fatigue is a real thing.  I want not to have to make as many decisions on matters and want to be led more by God’s Spirit with things.  That’s also why a primary focus of the Year of Healthy is building habits. I am keeping this one.





19. Secrets of a Happy Heart by Debi Pryde

It was a little challenging to find the synopsis for this book, which tells me I added it from a recommendation list.  But it is a study of Titus 2.  That happens to be one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.  I am keeping this one.



20. What is Modesty by Michelle Brock

Most of my life, I have been a pretty conservative dresser.  I like to be comfortable and am not a fan of showing a ton of skin.  But the older I get, the more I wonder about the balance of being modest and being sexy (which I also enjoy).  I want to look and feel good.  And as much as I love a good pair of ball shorts and a tee, I also love a good dress.  I am keeping this one. (fun fact: I took a 2-second break after getting a message on IG and scrolled for a second and saw a modest apparel company advertised.  👋🏾 Big Brother 🤣)


Final Count: Removing 4; Keeping 16

TBR Down to 4,653

Another week’s list that has quite a few books about money and finances, which continue to go in line with January’s Year of Healthy theme.  Have you read any of these books? Did I make a mistake with removing or keeping one?

Down The TBR Hole

Down the TBR Hole #201 – 220

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #201-220!  What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my incredibly long TBR list on Goodreads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Need to catch up?  Click here to go to the previous post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

This week has been a recoup and recover week from a stressful week with a family emergency that happened. I usually would turn to books, but I am not sure I read anything outside of some poems this week.  But I also didn’t add many books to the list, so I am starting this week with 4,663 books. Let’s get started.


1. The Art of War by Sun Tzu

I’ve heard so many great things about this book, and although it is about the military strategy, it is supposed to be great to use in business.  It’s one of those books that is probably considered a classic.  But I decided last year that just because a book is a classic doesn’t mean that I have to read it.  So while I am sure this is a great book, it isn’t something that I want to read at this time. I am removing it from my list.




2. The Art of War for Women: Sun Tzu’s Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning Work by Chin-Ning Chu

The author uses Sun Tzu’s strategies and gears it towards women.  But like the book above, it just isn’t something I want to read in this season.  I am removing it from my list.




3. Simply Clean: The Proven Method for Keeping Your Home Organized, Clean, and Beautiful in Just 10 Minutes A Day by Becky Rapinchuk

When I quit my job, I had this dream of being the best damn housewife out there. So I wanted to learn all these additional things to make my house the best home for my husband and myself.  So I wanted to read all the books to do just that.  As much as I love cleaning and organizing, I feel like I can always learn a better way.  With that being said, I am keeping this one.



4. The Organically Clean Home: 150 Everyday Organic Cleaning Products You Can Make Yourself – The Natural, Chemical-Free Way by Becky Rapinchuk

Apart of me wanting to do better with cleaning and organizing was also to do so naturally.  I wanted to replace all of the things that weren’t good for us and our home.  So finding a book that can help me make my own cleaning products, was right up my alley.  So I am keeping this one.





5. The Power That Changes the World: Creating Eternal Impact in the Here and Now by Bill Johnson

I think this message has been given and packaged in many books, and there isn’t anything calling out to me about this book.  Because of that, I am going to remove it.





6. Big girls DO Cry: Letting God Heal Your Hurts From The Inside Out by Lisa K. Spivey

I think every Christian should know how to handle any type of loss before it happens spiritually.  I’ve seen so many people lose their faith after a tragic event, and it is heartbreaking.  Since this book talks about the way to turn to God during those times, it is a book I want to keep on my list.





7. God is With You Everyday by Max Lucado

Another devotional.  And as much as I love Max Lucado, I need to be honest with myself about if I’m going to read all of these devotionals.  And I am not.  So I am going to remove this one.






8. One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp

Another book that I have heard great things about.  And being more appreciative of the everyday things and moments is something that I need to do.  I complain a lot and am hoping that in 2020 I can change that.  I am keeping this one.





9. Closer Than Your Skin: Unwrapping the Mystery of Intimacy with God by Susan D. Hill

Intimacy is something that I struggle with in my relationship with God.  I can honestly say that because He isn’t someone I can see or tangibly feel all the time, it’s easy for me to not really “feel” like He is here.  I know that isn’t the correct way, but it’s just my truth.  I am keeping this one to help with that, hopefully.




10. Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon

Someone promoting being yourself and using our own creativity instead of being like everyone else?  Yup, I’m for it.  This seems like it will be a quick, motivational book.  I am keeping it.





11. Be You & Live Civil: Tools for Unlocking Your Potential & Living Your Purpose by Karen Civil

Karen Civil is one of those badass women who I sit back and watch and be amazed at all that she is and has accomplished.  So I will be happy to read all that she produces.  I am keeping this book.






12. But Are You Making Any Money?: Stop Being Busy and Start Creating Cash by Marley Majcher

I think this would be an excellent book for a different season.  I realized that I have shifted into one of those people that can sometimes get caught up in the creating and planning and struggle at times with the actual doing.  I am removing this one.





13. Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur by Cara Alwill Leyba

Another book I’ve heard a lot about specifically in the female entrepreneurship world.  It’s been on almost every recommended book list I’ve seen for business women.  I do want to read it.  I am keeping this one.






14. The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller

Success, productivity, and purpose.  Three things that I am interested in.  I am keeping this one.





15. Money, Possessions and Eternity by Randy Alcorn

Money is a hot topic in Christianity.  We think we should be blessed enough to have money but turn our nose up when those in ministry have money or ask for it.  I have my own opinion based on what I have read in the Bible, but I am always interested in hearing others’ views.  So I am keeping this one.





16. The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danco

This is a book that has been on my personal list for a while now, even though it is a top-rated book.  I am keeping this one.






17. The Rules of Wealth: A Personal Code for Prosperity by Richard Templar

This doesn’t seem all that interesting, so I am removing it.







18. The One-Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way to Be Smart About Your Money by Carl Richards

My love for all things budgeting and finances made me interested in this book.  I am keeping it.





19. Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich: 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make with Money by Lois Frankel

What money mistakes am I making that is specific to being a woman?  Is there such a thing?  Those are questions that led me to add this book to the list.  I am keeping it there.






20. Rich Bitch: A Simple 12-Step Plan for Getting Your Financial Life Together…Finally by Nicole Lapin

It seems like Nicole Lapin’s approach to getting rich is different from others.  Because I love learning more about money and different ways to keep it, I am keeping this one on the list.




Final Count: Removing 6; Keeping 14

TBR Down to 4,657

This week’s list had quite a few books about money and finances, which go in line with January’s Year of Healthy theme.  Have you read any of these books? Did I make a mistake with removing or keeping one?

Down The TBR Hole

Down The TBR Hole #181-200

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #181-200!  What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my insanely long TBR list on Goodreads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Need to catch up?  Click here to go to the previous post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

It’s been about two months since I’ve done a post for this series.  And while I have done a lot of reading since then, unfortunately, they were not on my TBR.  *Runs to grab the number from Goodreads* 😩 Seriously, how does my list keep going up when I don’t actively remember adding books?  We are starting with 4,669 books.




1. Morning by Morning by Charles Spurgeon

I have so many morning devotionals that are sitting on my actual bookshelves unread.  I’m going to remove this one for now until I learn more about Charles Spurgeon.





2. Lady in Waiting: Becoming God’s Best While Waiting for Mr. Right by Jackie Kendall

Well, I am married, and I’m pretty sure he is the Mr. Right that God has for me, so I don’t think I need this book perse.  And I am also not the greatest fan of people using Ruth (or the Proverbs 31 wife) as the guideline for who women should be as I don’t believe that is the biblical truth that was trying to be portrayed in those messages.  I am removing this one.




3. True Woman 101: Divine Design: An Eight-Week Study on Biblical Womanhood by Mary A. Kassian & Nancy Leigh Demoss

I’m torn about this one.  I feel like there is a lot of unfair pressure on women to be women when I feel like the bible more so teaches about being followers of Christ with very little difference between the genders.  I understand that there are some scriptures dedicated only to men and some only to women but eight weeks worth?  It makes me want to read the study just to find out what I am missing.  So I am keeping this one.





4. Conversational Evangelism: How to Listen and Speak So You Can Be Heard by Norman Geisler & David Geisler

Although I love to talk, I don’t think that I am that great of a conversationalist.  And when it comes to evangelizing, I believe it is essential to listen and speak in a way that you are getting the gospel across.  I am keeping this book.




5. I Kissed Dating Goodbye: A New Attitude Toward Relationships and Romance by Joshua Harris

I think I added this book, thinking it would give some insights into biblical marriages and expectations.  But it looks like it is geared more towards the actually dating time period.  So I am removing this one.



6. Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere

While last year has shaken up my identity a bit, its more to do with what I want to do with my life and not who I am at the core.  I believe this book more so addresses who you are at the core.  So I am going to remove this one for now.




7. I, Issac, Take Thee, Rebekah: Moving from Romance to Lasting Love by Ravi Zacharias

Now this book seems like it may cross over well from those that are dating to those that are married.  I’ll be honest, that lovey-dovey feeling comes and goes in a marriage, and having some tricks on how to hold onto lasting love would be great.  I am keeping this one.






8. The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer

I just mentioned a couple of books up about my struggle with identity last year.  Glorifying God and trusting God are definitely two things I need to do more daily, so I am keeping this one.




9. Passion and Purity: Learning to Bring Your Love Life Under Christ’s Control by Elisabeth Elliot

Another book more about dating.  I’ve heard a lot of good things about this author, but I am removing this one from my list.






10. Spirit-controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye

I feel like this is the Christian version of Personality Plus.  And since I enjoyed that book when I read it a million years ago, I wouldn’t mind reading this one.  I am keeping it.





11. The Fear of the Lord: Discover the Key to Intimately Knowing God by John Bevere

I’ve read a popular book by John Bevere and didn’t like it at all.  I don’t think I will give him too many chances, so I am removing this one from my list.




12. Thus Saith The Lord: How to Know When God Is Speaking To You Through Another by John Bevere

The same author as the book above, so I will be removing this one as well.




13. The Crucified Life: How To Live Out A Deeper Christian Experience by A. W. Tozer

I feel like Tozer is one of those great Christian writers that everyone recommends.  I do want to read at least one of his books, and this sounds like the path I have been on lately.  I am keeping this one.






14. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life by Joanna Weaver

I have a physical copy of this book, but funny enough, I never had the time to finish it when I would start it.  It is an interesting topic, and I love the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible, so I am keeping this one.




15. Organizing Your Prayer Closet: A New and Life-Changing Way to Pray by Gina Duke

Seriously?  A Christian organizing book on prayer?  You know I have to keep this one, right?




16. 52 Weeks Through the Bible: Fall In Love with the Book That Changed Everything by James Merritt

I am about 90% through reading the complete Bible for the first time in my life.  And I am already excited that it is something I get to do over and over again every year.  I know I will need different ways to do that, so I am keeping this book.






17. Praying God’s Word Day by Day by Beth Moore

As I am reading more of the Word, I am finding some awesome prayers in there.  And when I don’t know what to say, why not go to His Word?  I am keeping this one.







18. Prayers that Move Mountains: Power Prayers that Bring Answers from Heaven by John Eckhard

I have this aunt that sings this sounds about mountains being moved, so this topic always warms my heart.  I am keeping this one.







19. The Year of Cozy: 125 Recipes, Crafts, and Other Homemade Adventures by Adrianna Adarme

The Year of Cozy just sounds right up my alley, and then it has recipes also!!! This is a must to keep on my list.






20. Settle My Soul: 100 Quiet Moments to Meet with Jesus by Karen Ehman

Although I am doing a better job with resting, it is still something I have to work on actively.  I know I am not the best when it comes to doing devotionals, but I’m keeping this one on the list.




Final Count: Removing 7; Keeping 13

TBR Down to 4,662

One of my 2020 goals is consistency with posting on the blog, so look forward to seeing the next 20 books in a week!

Down The TBR Hole

Down The TBR Hole #161-180

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #161-180!  What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my crazy long TBR list on Goodreads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Need to catch up?  Click here to go to the previous post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I’ve been neglecting my Goodreads account lately, which means I haven’t added too many books, but I’m starting this week off with 4,669 books.  Let’s get started!

1. Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker

Romance is my go-to when I need a break from all of the heavy self-help and Christian books I’ve been favoring for the last few years.  I tend to read them very quickly, so it helps when I want to clear my mind and not have to “think” too much.  This plot seems to have plenty of twists and turns and looks like an exciting read, so I am keeping this one.


2. One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker

A standalone book, but second in the Ten Tiny Breaths series, this one follows the other sister and seems just as interesting as the first.  I go through my spurts with series.  Sometimes I love following the characters and don’t mind reading 2-3 books, and other times I hate the story didn’t finish in the first book.  But my favorite is when each novel can be standalone and follows a character individually.  I am keeping this one.



3. Four Seconds to Lose by K.A. Tucker

Still in the same series as the two books above, I don’t feel the need to have every book in this series on my TBR list.  If I love the previous two, I will add this one and read it.  With that said, I am removing this one.



4. Five Ways to Fall by K.A. Tucker

Book four in the above series.  I am removing this one and will add it back if I like the other ones enough.



5. In Her Wake by K.A. Tucker

This book looks like a prequel to book 1 in the above series.  Here are my thoughts on prequel books.  Most of the time, I don’t like them.  If I read them before book one, I feel like I know too much of the story to enjoy book one since most of the time, the author wrote the prequel afterward.  If I read it after book 1, things tend to start making sense (and this is my preference) but also feels like the author may have just thrown together a quick story from deleted scenes.  My experience has been very hit and miss with prequels.  So I am removing this one.


6. Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

Another romance that could help break up some of my more substantial reading.  I first heard about Colleen Hoover from her book Verity that was all over the internet this year.  And although I haven’t read it yet (it’s sitting on my Kindle), I heard good things about it.  I also tend to like romances that future music, so I’m keeping this one.


7. Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

Ahhh, the love story where two people think they can be friends with benefits without catching feelings.  These books tend to be very predictable. After all, they will probably fall in love.  And I always find myself yelling at one of the characters, “JUST TELL HIM/HER YOU LIKE HER/HIM ALREADY.”  But it doesn’t stop me from reading them.  I am keeping this one.



8. November 9 by Colleen Hoover

A romance book about an author? Yes, please.  Keeping this one! (If I finish this tonight, this will be posted on November 9th.  Is that a sign that I should buy and read this book???)


9. Confess by Colleen Hoover

Clearly, on this particular day, I was either on a Colleen Hoover kick or working off a recommendation list that had all her books.  A woman looking for a job, finds a guy, and falls in love, but he has a secret.  Can I be honest?  I hate it when someone has a secret and hides it.  It is the same as a lie in my book, and I can’t handle it.  And I will stop reading a book if this happens at times.  It’s just not something I am willing to deal with in my fictional world.  So I am removing this one.


10. Collide by Gail McHugh

A girl who seems to overlook the guy who has helped her through her grief and falls for the apparent bad boy.  This always makes me feel bad for the guy ignored.  I am removing this one.



11. Pulse by Gail McHugh

Welp, now that I read this plot, I know what happens in the first book.  Thank goodness I removed it or that spoiler would suck.  I am removing this one.




12. Sweet Thing by Renee Carlino

Another romance featuring music story.  I will keep this one.




13. Boundaries by Henry Cloud

I touched on my thoughts on this book in a previous Down the TBR Hole post (the marriage one came up).  Someone let me borrow this book and the videos to go with, and I couldn’t get into them.  I am removing this one.



14. Let’s All Be Brave by Annie F. Downs

Fear is a huge factor in my life.  Add in my obsessive need to worry about the worst-case scenario, and it’s really shocking that I have done anything with my life.  It is something I would like to overcome, so I am keeping this one.



15. First Comes Love by Emily Griffin

A contemporary fiction book about the choices in life made by the characters and their struggle with where their life is currently and if they made the right decisions.  I am keeping this one.


16. I’m Judging You: The Do-Better Manual by Luvvie Ajayi

I had to have this book on my list because it just seemed that she was judging all of the things we judge others for in a comedic way.  I always said I was going to check out her blog since it was so popular, but I never got around to it.  Actually, let me do that now since I will want to link it anyway.  I use to follow her on IG, but I remember having to unfollow her because I didn’t agree with her opinion on something, and it was all she talked about for a while (and no, I have no clue what it was about now).  Either way, I am still interested in the book, so I am keeping it.

17. A Book of Prayer: 365 Prayers for Victorious Living by Stormie Omartian

The Pastor that married Chris and I gifted us with the military edition of Stormie Omartian books, Power of a Praying Wife and Power of a Praying Husband, for our first anniversary.  And although they probably collect more dust than they should, I enjoyed reading and highlighting mine all up.  They are pretty popular books, and I can see why.  I don’t really hear many people talk about her other books, but I am interested in reading more by her.  I am keeping this one.


18. Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes

I’m more wary about books like this nowadays because I’ve learned that looking for a list of things that will make me a Godly woman will get me nowhere.  But seeing that this book actually points you in the direction of first and foremost having a relationship with God and then the outcome of that relationship is your desire to be Godly makes me feel better.  I am going to keep this one on the list for now.


19. Breaking Intimidation: Saying “No” Without Feeling Guilty.  Be Secure Without the Approval of Man. by John Bevere

I read his Bait of Satan book, which came highly recommended by so many people, and I didn’t really like it.  I can’t pinpoint if it was just the season I was in, the fact that he was blaming offense on the person who feels the offense or if it was just a bad book.  But I said I would give him one more chance.  I think I have mastered the art of saying no pretty well, though.  So I am removing this one.


20. Spurgeon’s Commentary on the Bible by Charles Spurgeon

This isn’t really a book to read but more of a book I would be interested in having amongst my Bible study materials.  I hear so much about Charles Spurgeon that he is a person I want to learn more about.  For now, I am removing this from my list.


Final Count: Removing 9; Keeping 11

TBR Down to 4,660

I feel like it took me no time to power through these 20 books! With so many romances, this list is a little different from my usual Down the TBR Hole post.  But that goes to show you, my TBR list is so grand and covers so many different genres.  I am sure you will find plenty of books that may interest you.  Let me know in the comments if you have read any of these books.  Do you think I made a mistake? Let’s chat about it!

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.


Down The TBR Hole

Down the TBR Hole #141-160

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #141-160!  What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my insanely long TBR list on Goodreads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Need to catch up?  Click here to go to the previous post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I am starting with 4,668 books this week on my To Read shelf on Goodreads.  I literally just added two new books, thanks to the YouTube video I am watching in the background while typing this up.  (Edit: before I finished this post, I added another book thanks to my reading last night.  Do you see why I have to do this post every week?  My list is ridiculous!) Let’s get started.

1. The Runaway Bride: Are you living for Jesus or are you running away from Him? by Heather Lindsey

The cover of this book makes it seems like it is going to be a fiction book, but it’s not.  This is entirely the wrong thought, but man, I feel like so many people should read a book about being a Sunday only Christian.  I’ve been there, and although things are far from perfect and let’s be honest, sometimes I feel like I struggle more now, I can’t imagine how people get through Monday through Saturday without the help of Jesus.  Now, with all of that said, I no longer feel like I need a book like this.  So I am going to be removing it.


2. The Pressure Trap: Breaking Free from the Pressures of Society to Become Who God Called You To Be by Heather Lindsey

I may need to actually buy this book and read it now because I feel like this has been my issue for the past few months.  With that said, I am keeping it.


3. Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist

I actually own this book and feel like it has been recommended to me a bunch of times.   This is probably a book that I should have read when I was experiencing burnout.  Both when I was traditionally working and when I had my own business.  I do believe this is something that I could still struggle with, so I am keeping it.

4. One Minute Business Woman’s Devotional by Mike Murdock

Obviously, the cover shows how dated this book is, but it was recommended on one of my business lists.  It would be interesting if someone were able to update this based on today’s business world.  Because I feel like it may be dated and this isn’t my current season, I am removing it.


5. The Perfect Find by Tia Williams

This seems like a quick, quirky little romance that I wouldn’t mind reading in between my self-improvement books.  Those books can sometimes be a bit heavy, so reading about a woman who is working on a second chance in her career with a side of romance sounds like it would be the break I need.  I am keeping it.


6. You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis Chan & Lisa Chan

I will say this with every marriage book on my list. Marriage is hard, and therefore I am keeping this book.  I absolutely love Francis Chan (check out my resource page on him) and have already read a few of his books.  So a book on biblical marriage is a no brainer for me to keep.  I also had this downloaded on Hoopla, but I had read quite a few Francis Chan books by this point and wanted to switch it up.

7. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Ellie Claire

So here is some honesty.  I love buying these journals.  Yet I have not finished one at all.  I barely do them.  One of the goals I want to set for this year to help improve the health of my spiritual life is to add these types of devotionals for me to do each day.  But I do have a ton and don’t need to buy anymore until they are done.  So I will be removing this one.

8. The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Timothy J. Keller

Like I mentioned with the marriage book above, marriage is hard, so I will be keeping this one.  I need to read a book on marriage each month.  I’ll probably add this to my list of goals soon.


9. Gods at War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart by Kyle Idleman

I added this book because I was going through a season where I was allowing some pretty good and Christian things to become idols in my life.  Like going to church each week, serving at church, people, etc. I struggled with seeing these things as idols until I realized that anything that is taking God’s place in my life is an idol.  So I am keeping this one.


10. Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide by Linda Babcock

There are certain topics that to understand them truly, we need to read the most up to date information.  So while this is still a significant issue in today’s workforce, I would want to read a book a little more recent.  So I am going to remove this one.


11. The Career Code: Must-Know Rules for a Strategic, Stylish, and Self-Made Career by Hillary Kerr & Katherine Power

I love a good women’s empowerment and success story.  And I am so thankful that these women are willing to share what worked and didn’t work for them.  This book is apart of a series, and I would like to read them all.  So I am keeping this one.


12. Wild and Free: A Hope-Filled Anthem for the Woman Who Feels She is Both Too Much and Never Enough by Jess Connolly

I bounce between feeling like I am doing too much and that I’m not enough to do the things I want to do.  It’s a struggle, and I’ve realized that the more I don’t take care of my mental health, the more I struggle.  I own a copy of this book, and I look forward to reading it.  So I am keeping it.

13. How to Be Here: A Guide to Creating a Life Worth Living by Rob Bell

One verse that has made me realize that I deserve so much more in life is John 10:10b (CSB) “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.” This tells me that Jesus gives me an abundant life.  I should be living my life that way.  So because of that, I am keeping this book.



14. May Cause Miracles: A 40-Day Guidebook of Subtle Shifts for Radical Change and Unlimited Happiness by Gabrielle Bernstein

This is probably one of those books I need to read during my Year of Healthy while I am working on building better habits.  Anything that helps with unlimited happiness is something I need to look into.  I am keeping this one.

15. Adventures for Your Soul: 21 Ways to Transform Your Habits and Reach Your Full Potential by Shannon Kaiser

Another book I should look into reading this year.  I think I tried to listen to the audiobook version, and I prefer to have my self-improvement books in ebook or physical book form because I love taking notes and highlighting.  But I am keeping this one.

16. The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

I’m a little torn about this book.  A life planning tool sounds like something right up my ally.  But it seems like this book may be borderline mystic, and those types of books can some times conflict with my faith, and I prefer not to read them.  So I will keep this one and give it a try.  I can always mark it as DNF (did not finish).


17. Healthy Happy Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women by Katie Silcox

The first thing I needed to do was google Ayurveda.  I needed to make sure this wasn’t anything that was going to go against my faith.  I was stumped at first because the first articles that pop up are WebMD, National Institutes of Health, and Johns Hopkins. But when I dig deeper, I see that it has its origins with Hindu gods and is based on holistic healing. I can get down with Holistic healing, but I’m not about to open the door for any other “gods” to have any access to my mind, body, and spirit.  So I will be removing this one.

18. Miracles Now: 108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow, and Finding Your True Purpose by Gabrielle Bernstein

I stress and worry way too much to be as blessed as I am.  It’s definitely something I want to work on this year. I also like the fact that these are small tidbits of info and practices for someone with only a minute or two.  I am keeping this one.


19. 100 Ways to Love Your Husband: A Life-Long Journey of Learning to Love by Lisa Jacobson

Again…marriage=hard.   Any book that I can read that can help me be a better wife, help me understand my husband more, help me love him more, I am all for reading.  I am keeping this one.


20. The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay

I read the plot of this book, and my first thought was awww in such a sad way.  Have I ever shared how randomly emotional I am?  I cry very frequently when things get sad in a book, tv show, movie, or with a random thought.  And it’s usually boohoo crying.  It’s terrible but I chalk it up to feeling deeply.  I feel like this book will make me do just that.  So I am keeping it.


Final Count: Removing 5; Keeping 15

TBR Down to 4,663

Have you read any of these books?  Think I made a mistake removing one?  Leave me a comment below and let’s chat.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.

Down The TBR Hole

Down the TBR Hole #115-140

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #115-140!  What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my ridiculously long TBR list on Goodreads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books. Why the odd numbers for this one?  Because I had a series last time that added a bunch to my list. Want to see what I ended up doing with them?  Click here to go to the previous post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I am starting with 4,672 books this week on my To Read shelf on Goodreads.  Let’s get started.


1. Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

I’ve heard about this author quite a bit, but I honestly didn’t realize that she was a fiction author.  But after reading what the book is about, I am keeping it on the list.



2. The Good House by Tananarive Due

Another author that I have heard about a lot, and I have always wanted to read one of her books.  This one is bordering on suspense, but the plot sounds really good.  I am keeping it.



3. Blindness by Jose Saramago

Not exactly sure where this book came from, but I am not a fan of epidemic or apocalyptic books, and this is one of those.  So I will be removing this one.



4. The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

A very popular book from 2015.  I think it has even been turned into a movie. My best friend said it was an okay read, but she has read better.  I’m going to give the book a chance, especially before I watch the movie.  I’m keeping this one.


5. Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly

Can I be honest? I typically don’t like reading books after I have seen the movie.  Which is why it is weird that I would have added this book.  I would probably have loved to have read this book back when I was a math geek.  Not so much now.  I did enjoy the movie, but I am going to be removing this one. (Tangent – I hate when they change the cover of the books to match the movie poster.  No offense to the amazing actresses that played these parts, but what about the original ladies who were on the cover? I’m showing that cover out of respect.)


6. Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton

I follow Glennon on Instagram, and her activism is actually what made her interesting to me.  She seems to be carefree, and a different person than her book plots describe (this one in particular).  So I would love to see how she transitioned to this new person.  I am keeping this one.


7. Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed by Glennon Doyle Melton

Same author as above.  I thought about not keeping this book because it looks like it is based on her website, which is  I’m not a mom, but it appears she speaks about more things than motherhood.  I am going to be keeping it for now.


8. Emma by Jane Austen

This is supposed to be one of the classics, and at one point in time, I thought that I needed to read all of the classics to be a “good” reader.  But since then, I’ve realized I only want to read what interests me.  And most likely, a book from the early 1800s will not interest me at all.  I am removing this one.


9. Nappily Ever After by Trisha R. Thomas

I’ve had this book on my list for a while now, and then I saw they made a movie.  I ended up watching the movie (I love Sanaa Lathan) and loved it.  I went through my own freedom pursuit that started with changing the color of my hair.  And man, it will change your perspective.  I am keeping this one.


10. Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim

It could be because of recent current events, but I’m not that interested in reading about a black woman (a slave at that) having to take care of a white child.  I’m removing this one.


11. Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching: A Young Black Man’s Education by Mychal Denzel Smith

I added this book because I am interested in seeing what a man thinks about today’s climate for our black boys.  This book seems to cover the highest that we have had as a race with President Obama’s presidency and the lows to the multiple, senseless killing of unarmed black boys and men.  I am keeping this one.


12. Lady Elect by Nikita Lynnette Nichols

I don’t think I need to read about any church drama at the moment.  And I know this is against reader’s law, but the cover doesn’t pull me in at all! I am removing this one.



13. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

I am not a fan of historical books and think this is another one of those books that everyone talks about like it is a classic.  Or maybe it just has a massive following because I think is has a T.V. show or movie.  I am removing this one.



14. Written in My Own Heart’s Blood by Diana Gabaldon

Not sure how I randomly went from the 1st in the series to the 8th in the series.  But I removed the previous book, and I am removing this one as well.  But at least I can kind of guess which guy she choose in the first one based on this description.



15. Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

The cover was one of the reasons I added this book to my list.  Also, her describing her love for pink was another.  I can’t wait to dive into this book because it seems like it will be full of wit about topics that only women would get the humor of.  I am keeping it.



16. Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter

This seems like it would make for an excellent episode for some of the shows that I have been watching on Netflix and Hulu.  I just sent it to my best friend to see if she has read it because it seems like her cup of tea.  She said she started it but didn’t finish it.  I’m going to give this one a chance also.  I am keeping it.


17. Cross Roads by William Paul Young

His book, The Shack, was terrific, so I wanted to check out his other books.  Reading about someone in business who is a little on the proud side is interesting to me as I can sometimes be this way and have to continually remind myself that it isn’t me, it is God, who deserves the glory.  I am keeping this one.


18. Brida by Paulo Coelho

For some reason, I had the Portugal version on my list, so I had to switch it to the English version.  I enjoyed Paulo Coelho’s book, The Alchemist and it is actually one of the triggers that made me start this blog (read about it here).  This book almost seems like the female version.  I am keeping this one.



19. Utopia by Thomas Moore

A book published in the 1500s.  I know me, and I know this one won’t work.  But it’s another one that is supposed to be a classic about the differences between a perfect world with true freedom and our current society and all its problems.  I am removing it.


20. Freeman by Leonard Pitts, Jr.

This is another book based in the 1800s.  The only way I can see this book (and others like it) coming back on my list is if I am explicitly studying the topic of slavery.  So, for now, I am removing it.



21. Nigger by Dick Gregory

I’m honestly not sure what to expect from this book because Dick Gregory’s life was so diverse with who he was.  But that will make this book all the more interesting.  I’ve been loving memoirs/autobiographies lately, so I am keeping this one.



22. The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver

This sounds like the type of book that I would enjoy, and I see that it is a series.  While writing this, there is a little memory of watching a movie of the same title with my dad.  I’m seeing Denzel Washington.  I looked it up, and sure enough, the movie was based on the book.  I am keeping it.


23. Pink Lips & Empty Hearts by Heather Lindsey

I follow Heather Lindsey (and her husband) on Instagram, and they are so inspirational.  I read their book Fighting Together and loved it.  It was a no brainer for me to add her other books to my list.  I’ve heard bits and pieces of her testimony, but it seems like this book gives the full testimony and how she overcame her struggles.  I am keeping this one.


24. Dusty Crowns: Dusting Yourself Off and Becoming the Woman God Called You To Be by Heather Lindsey

I know I sometimes struggle with not feeling good enough and working hard to earn God’s love.  This book seems like it would be a reminder that I already have God’s love.  I am keeping this one.


25. Silent Seasons: Trusting God When You Don’t Understand by Heather Lindsey

I haven’t had a silent season personally (not that I am aware of), but I have been fascinated recently with the idea of one.  It just seems like, during that time, God is preparing you.  And prepare has been an interesting feeling for me lately.  Also, “when you don’t understand”…is consistently me.  Which is why I am keeping this book.


26. The Purpose Room: A Meeting Place Where You Discover, Birth and Accomplish Your God-Given Purpose by Heather Lindsey

I loved how she said she knew her purpose, and she just needed to figure out how she was going to get there doing what she was currently doing (sitting in a cubicle).  Most purpose books are about finding your purpose, and I don’t need that at the moment.  But I am keeping this one since it seems to come from a different approach.


Final Count: Removing 9; Keeping 17

TBR Down to 4,663

Have you read any of these books?  Think I made a mistake removing one?  Leave me a comment below and let’s chat.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.

Rhenáe's Recap

Rhenáe’s Recap: 9/1/19 – 9/30/19

New & Notable

Last time on Rhenáe’s Recap, I talked about how I took a mini-break to spend time with God.  I decided to start unplugging entirely on the weekends.  I was able to get a project 18 months in the making done around the house.  I spent some time with some friends I haven’t seen in over six months.  I supported a friend’s book tour and spent time in a bookstore.  More on those in Recently Acquired and Finished.  I’ve also been paying attention to my social media habits during the week.  I’m starting to feel a tad bit distracted and addicted, so I have been trying to unplug more during the week.  I still have to determine how to balance this with posting for my blog.  What’s been a big help is Screen Time on my phone.  I currently have my downtime set from 10 pm to 7 am and all day Saturday and Sunday.  I’ll be honest and say that I do sometimes ignore the limits, but I try and only do 15 minutes at a time.  So far, it has helped me put my phone down more and be physically present in my home.



I wrote a post giving an update on my 2019 Word of the Year.  I wanted to provide this update because I already have my 2020 Word of the Year and have started the planning for that.  I know it may seem early as most people pick theirs in January, but I spend time in prayer asking God to send me mine.  Last year, He gave it to me around Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish new year.  And while I received mine a little earlier this year, it was in the same spirit of me knowing this time of year was coming.  Take a look at the post and be on the lookout for my 2020 post coming soon.





Quick Book Reviews From This Year: 1-5

Five mini-reviews at one time! Check out this post to see some pretty amazing books I read from this summer.






Letters to the Church by Francis Chan

Letters to the Church is one of my favorite books from this year and changed the way I think about the church body.  My first time reading it came at a time where I was trying to decide on finding a new church home.  I reread it and wrote this review.





Other Happenings



I gave you three new Down the TBR Hole posts for September.  I was able to remove a total of 40 books from my TBR list.  Take a look at those posts and let me know if you think I should have kept any of them.



What We Are Watching



A couple of years ago, God impressed on my heart that I needed to change what I was watching on tv.  For the most part, I stopped watching TV altogether.  I feel like recently I have been given the okay to start watching TV again, but I am really conscious about what I allow in. For example, I tried watching the Handmaid’s Tale, and while it was a really good show, I had nightmares for days.  I love crime shows, and any shows that have a mystery to solve.  So I managed to binge-watch all seven seasons of Elementary on Hulu for the past two months.  This show is so good!




Our next show that we are currently binge-watching is Blacklist.  I started watching this show when it first came on T.V., but my dislike for having to wait for the next episode or season made me stop.  The show is currently still running but six seasons are on Netflix.  Fun fact, I use to want to be an FBI agent.  And it was one of the careers that I was preparing for.  I was working on getting my Bachelor’s in Human Services and a Master’s in Public Administration.  Then life happened, and I enjoy watching FBI agents on T.V. instead.




Currently Reading



Yup, I am still reading Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss.  I found out there is another one called Tribe of Mentors that I cannot wait to get.  But I won’t buy it until I have finished this one and read The 4-Hour Workweek that I also have.  I really love how this book is set up so I can take the nuggets of information individually.  I decided a couple of nights ago to go ahead and read the whole book instead of taking bits and pieces while reading other books.



A friend let me borrow Operating in the Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson, and it was the talk of the town at our church last year.  Although I have read through chapter one, I am going to try and finish Tools of Titans first before I dive into this one.  I feel like it may just be one of those books that needs my full attention.



Recently Finished


The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

I started reading this book for the second time for September and finished it.  It is one of my favorite books from this year, and I recommend everyone read it. I have started to wake up at 4:30 am and will be continuing to add to my morning routine base on recommendations from the book.


Feeding the Dragon by Sharon Washington

I was able to read one of the books on my Down The TBR Hole list and move it to my Read list on GoodReads. A quick, fun, and quirky read about a girl who spent some time living with her family in a New York library.  This is one of the books I was able to download for free from Audible as apart of their Originals content.


Holding Space For Self by Cheya Thousand

Cheya has been in my life personally now for a little over a year, and when I say I am beyond thankful for her friendship, I am not exaggerating.  At a time where I am re-evaluating what it means to be a friend and have friends, she is someone who embodies the word.  She has been pouring wisdom and love into our friendship from day one, and I look to her as a mentor and all-around #BlackExcellance.  As soon as she told me about her book, I knew I would purchase it and was able to attend her book signing this month to get a copy in my hands. She is currently doing a book tour, and I promise you it is worth it to go, pick one up and hang out with her.  Head to to see when she will be in a city near you.


We’re Going to Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union

I unexpectedly started AND finished this book when I was walking around my neighborhood.  I needed something to listen to and just picked this one from my Audible library.  I did not expect it to be so funny!


Recently Acquired


I was able to pick up the following at the San Marco Bookstore while I was there earlier this month.  It was an adorable bookshop that I wouldn’t mind going to again.


Cinder Girl by Christina Meredith




The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene


Goodreads Challenge Update: 50/52

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.

Down The TBR Hole

Down The TBR Hole #81-100…or more like 114

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #81-100!  What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my ridiculously long TBR list on Goodreads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Want to catch up?  Click here to go to the last post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I am starting with 4,670 books this week on my To Read shelf on Goodreads.  Let’s get started.

1. The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms by Danielle LaPorte

I’ve only heard of Danielle LaPorte’s book The Desire Map, so I am not sure how this book came on my radar.  But after reading some of her points, she sounds like someone I want to know more about.  And this book is something I want to read about.  I am keeping it.


2. The Bourne Identity (Jason Bourne, #1) by Robert Ludlum

When I found out that the movies were based on a book, I wanted to read them.  To be honest, I don’t remember reading too many action & adventure books, so this will be a new genre for me.  But I am willing to give it a chance.  I am keeping it.



3. The Bourne Series (Jason Bourne, #2 – 15) by Robert Ludlum

And here is the rest of the series.  Yes, I have every book on my TBR list. Which isn’t necessary.  I’m going to read the first book and then decide if I want to add the rest to my list.  So for now, I am removing these from my list.


4. The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena

This book was recommended by my best friend.  I thought I had it downloaded on Audible, but I just checked, and I don’t.  Even though I don’t always enjoy my besties taste in books, this one sounded interesting.  I am keeping it.


5. A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold 

I think this book interested me because of the question of how could she have not known what was going on with her son.  My first thought was to remove it because I did immediately think about the fact that her family doesn’t deserve the profits from this book.  But I see a note that shows all the author profits are donated to organizations focused on mental health.  So I am keeping it.


6. The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

Although I am not a fan of most historical fiction, I added this book because it has been making its way on multiple recommendation list. I’ve also heard good things about Colson Whitehead.  For now, I am keeping this one.


7. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

I’ve heard nothing but positive things about this book and the times that we are in now with the senseless killings of our black boys and the overall campaign to stamp out all things Black Excellence, I think it is more important now than ever to know and understand our history to learn how we can move forward and come together and fight against all of this hate.  I am keeping this one.  By the way, Oprah just announced her revamped Book Club and Ta-Nehisi Coates new book, The Water Dancer, is the current pick.  I’m thinking of downloading the audiobook and joining in the decisions.


8. A Brief History of Seven Killings by James Marlon 

I think I added this book after watching a documentary on Bob Marley.  And although this is a fictional account, it still sparked my interest.  I am keeping this one.



9. Lilith’s Brood by Octavia E. Butler

This seems like a fantasy book, and I don’t like fantasy at all.  I am removing this one.



10. The Turner House by Angela Flournoy

Not sure how this book ended up on my list, but it seems like an interesting read.  With me normally reading a lot of nonfiction and business books, sometimes I allow fiction books to be my break from my reality.  This being a story about multiple generations coming and going from one house and then having to decide the fate of the home will do just that.  I am keeping this one.


11. Silver Sparrow by Tayari Jones

Another fiction book I can find myself getting lost in.  In this one, the story of two friends who end up being sisters due to their father’s deception.  I am keeping this one.



12. Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer

I struggle with prayer, and that is why I wanted to read this book.  I am pretty sure I started it but ended up distracted when I was working.  One day I will finish it, so I am keeping it.


13. White Witch, Black Curse by Kim Harrison

This is an example of me just adding books to my list without paying any attention.  I don’t do witches.  I don’t do witchcraft.  I don’t do curses.  And even before I started really living for Christ, I was the same way.  I just don’t do “magic.”  With that said, I am removing this book and throwing the blood of Jesus it’s way.


14. The Bad Cook by Esther Walker

I love to cook so the idea of someone trying out different recipes and not being all that great is funny to me.  Which is how I think the book is meant to be.  I’m keeping this one for the funny stories alone.



15. The Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I realized that I tend only to read books that are based in the U.S.  I recently have started to read other books that are based in other countries.  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is another author that I have heard great things about so I am keeping this one.


16. One Night by Eric Jerome Dickey

I read a good amount of Eric Jerome Dickey books when I was in middle and high school (don’t judge me) and enjoyed them.  I added this book because I wanted to see if he still has the same appeal to me as an adult.  Since I still have that question, I am keeping this one.


17. Favor, the Road to Success: How to Receive Special Favor with God and People by Bob Buess

This appears to be an older book (published in 1920), and there have been so many books recently on this topic.  Plus it doesn’t appear to be a classic.  I’m not sure I need to read this one, so I am removing it.


18. The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl by Issa Rae

While I don’t believe I have had the pleasure of watching any of her shows yet, I have had Issa Rae on my radar for a while now.  I am actually starting to love memoirs lately and prefer to listen to them.  This will definitely be one of them.  I am keeping it.



19. Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

Again I don’t normally read historical books, but I have heard that this was an amazing book.  I am keeping it.



20. Queen Sugar by Natalie Baszile

I watched the first couple of shows of Queen Sugar before I took a break from watching TV.  But I decided to add the book that inspired the show to my list.  I still plan on reading it, so I am keeping it.


Final Count: Removing 17; Keeping 16

TBR Down to 4,653

Have you read any of these books?  Think I made a mistake removing one?  Leave me a comment below and let’s chat.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.

Down The TBR Hole

Down The TBR Hole #61-80

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #61-80! What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my ridiculously long TBR list on GoodReads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Want to catch up? Click here to go to the last post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I am starting with 4,667 books this week on my To Read shelf on Goodreads.  Let’s get started.

1. Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success by Adam M. Grant

For the longest, I wasn’t a fan of networking and didn’t believe in it.  I didn’t agree with the phrase “It’s about who you know” because I am a firm believer that hard work will get you everywhere.  But in Corporate America (and in entrepreneurship) that isn’t true anymore.  That is why this book was added to my list.  At this time, this isn’t my focus, and I am not sure when it will be again, so I am removing this one.

2. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

I’ve heard great things about this book, and it has made its way on everyone’s recommendation list the past few years.  Sophia has a unique story, and I always like learning about people who didn’t take the traditional path to be successful.  I am keeping this one.


3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

I think this book is considered a classic in the Self Improvement/Business world of books.  It’s one where I feel like I should have already read it but just never got around to it.  At least I don’t believe I have.  My father may have owned this one or the version for African Americans, and I am pretty sure I read it in high school, but I don’t remember it at all.  But just because a book is a classic doesn’t mean YOU have to read it.  At this time, I don’t have any interest in the book, so I am removing it.

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

If you know me, you know I struggle with being a people person.  I feel awkward talking to people, and I would much rather be on my own.  But you kind of need people and community in this world.  Which is why an old coworker and friend recommended this book to me (says a lot, right?). I never got around to reading it and while building community is a priority for me, I want to do it more from a biblical standpoint.  I am removing this one.


5. Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel

I’m honestly not sure how this book ended up on my list, but it’s not anything I am focused on at the moment (starting a business), so I am removing this one.


6. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi

Another book added to my list when I was trying to be a better people person.  I’m just not in the stage of life where I want to build relationships for business reasons.  I want to develop more of a community with support.  For that reason, I am removing this one.


7. The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz

This book appealed to me for two reasons.  I liked that it states HOW hard it is to run a business.  Everyone glamourizes entrepreneurship, but not many people tell you how hard it actually is.  The other reason was using hip hop lyrics to give his advice.  It’s a gimmick that makes me want to read it, so I am keeping it.

8. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

I am currently making my way through Tim Ferriss’ Tools of Titans book and man oh man; it has been amazing.  I did have this book first but heard so many great things about Tools of Titans that I purchased and started that one.  With that said, I am becoming a massive fan of Tim Ferriss and can’t wait to read this book.  I am keeping it.


9. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

I’ve always had an interest in psychology and probably, in the last five years, have questioned why people think the way they think more times than I can count.  I am still very much interested in reading the book but now more from the standpoint of how MY mindset will be impacted.  I am keeping it.


10. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

This book has quietly crept up (see what I did there?) on book list in the last few years, and as an introvert that has been trying to cut out so much noise from the world lately, it was bound to end up on my list.  I am keeping it.



11. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely

Why do I make the decisions that I make?  That is what I was hoping this book answered for me.  Although still a substantial question, I am not sure I’m going to find the answer within these pages.  I am removing it.


12. Liar’s Poker by Michael Lewis

I think I thought this book was about something different than Wall Street.  Or maybe I added it after watching a movie.  I’m not sure but either way, I am removing it.


13. How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton’s story alone made this a book I was interested in, but his connection to high achievers and unhappiness is what planted it on my list to read.  I am keeping it.


14. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

When venturing into the finance world and potentially looking into financial planning, I knew I needed to learn more about investing.  That career path has sailed, and while this is still probably a great book on a topic, I should know a little about, other things are my priority at the moment.  I am removing it.


15. Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity by David Whyte

While reading the synopsis of this book, I was actually torn about if I wanted to keep it or not.  I love the idea of personal growth at work and would like to know more about why burnout is a good thing, but the poetry part is throwing me off a bit.  For now, I will say I am keeping it.



16. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Not only am I a huge Apple fan but the man behind the company has always been fascinating to me.  I’ve read bits and pieces about his life story and knew I wanted to read this book.  I am keeping it.


17. Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream by James Altucher

I’ve had the opportunity to buy this book a few times, but it has never grabbed me enough to pull the trigger.  I do agree with the concept that we have to choose ourselves, especially when moving forward in today’s world.  But I am removing this one.


18. Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull

I’ll be honest and say this book probably grabbed my attention by having Buzz Lightyear on the cover.  Granted, it is a business book from the creators of Pixar, so it does hold my interest beyond that.  But not enough.  I am removing it.


19. Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader by Herminia Ibarra

This was a book that was added to my list when I was toying with the idea of moving into a management position at my previous company.  I think leadership is essential in all areas of life, but it isn’t a focus for me this year, so I am removing this one.



20. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell

I can’t find a reason to keep this one, so I am removing it.



Final Count: Removing 12; Keeping 8

TBR down to 4,655

Have you read any of these books?  Think I made a mistake removing one?  Leave me a comment below and let’s chat.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.


Down The TBR Hole

Down The TBR Hole # 41-60

I had so much fun doubling up last week that I decided to make it a thing. So welcome to Down The TBR Hole #41-60.  What is Down The TBR Hole, you ask?  It is where I grab 20 books from my ridiculously long TBR list on GoodReads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Want to catch up? Click here to go to the last post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I am starting with 4,676 books this week, and honestly, I have a ton on my kindle app just waiting for me to add to my TBR list.  But maybe I should wait until I remove some more first.  Or I could read them and then they won’t ever have to make it to this list.  I’ll try that one.  Let’s get started.


1. Everyday Peace: Standing Firm in His Provision by Katie Orr

You saw another one of Katie Orr’s studies last week.  I have had the pleasure of doing the Philippians study with Katie and love the FOCUSed15 method.  I can always use some peace in my life, so I am keeping this one.



2. Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado

I believe I got this book one month in my Sparkle Hustle Grow box.  I don’t subscribe to it anymore, but it was great getting a new book each month.  Most of the time, they were geared towards business owners.  I have heard good things about Max Lucado, so I look forward to reading this book.  I am keeping it.



3. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher

Apparently, I own this book.  But I am not interested in reading it.  I am removing it and maybe one day since I own the physical copy, I will get to it.




4. Critical Chain by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

This book was going to be a book club read, but we never made it to this one.  I honestly don’t think it will be something I want to read, so I am going to be removing it.




5. God at Work: Live Each Day with Purpose by Ken Costa

I think I heard about Ken Costa from a podcast; I’m not sure which one.  I always see his books on my shelf and say I need to read them, and it just hasn’t happened yet.  I am keeping this one even though I am not in a traditional work environment at the moment; it may still come in hand.



6. Know Your Why: Finding and Fulfilling Your Calling in Life by Ken Costa

I am okay on calling books for a while, so I am removing this one.




7. Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods: 40 Days in the Word by Rick Warren

I always love a good book that can help me dig deeper into the Word, and I am a fan of Rick Warren.  He is a great Bible teacher, so I am keeping this one.




8. Marriage and the Family: Biblical Essentials by Andreas Kostenberger

Marriage is the hardest thing I have ever done so I will take all the knowledge and wisdom anyone has on marriage.  I am keeping this one.




9. Becoming a Woman of Influence: Making a Lasting Impact on Others by Carol Kent

I am not sure where this book came from or how it ended up on my list.  I’m removing this one.




10. The Body is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love by Sonya Renee Taylor

This book has been recommended quite a bit in some groups I am in on Facebook.  Unfortunately, when I downloaded it on Hoopla and started to read it, I couldn’t get into it.  Maybe it just wasn’t the right season.  I’m removing it.



11. Insights on Romans by Charles R. Swindoll

This commentary was added when I took a free Romans from Dallas Theological Seminary.  I didn’t end up needing the book, so I’m removing it.




12. Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff by Chip Gaines

I absolutely loved The Magnolia Story by the Gaines, so it was a must that I added Chip’s book to my list.  He is so funny on the show and in the book, but it’s also clear how smart he is. I am keeping this one.



13. Living Life on Purpose: Discovering God’s Best for Your Life by Lysa TerKeurst

This starts my long list of Lysa TerKeurst books.  I love her.  I’ve had the pleasure of hearing her teach.  I’ve enjoyed I believe 1 or 2 of her books.  But the last book I read from her, I did not enjoy as much as I expected.  Which makes me wary of the others.  With that said, I am removing this one.



14. Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food by Lysa TerKeurst

Although I do love food, its not that big of an issue for me to read a book about overcoming it.  I do have a physical copy of this book though, so maybe one day I will read it, but for now, I am removing it.




15. Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa TerKeurst

I am the first to admit that I sometimes let my emotions get the best of me.  Even though I know I am not to be led by them.  So I am keeping this one to learn more about how to control them.




16. It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered by Lysa TerKeurst

This is her newest book, and I already resonate with the title so much I know I will be reading this one hopefully soon.  I am keeping it on the list.




17. What Happens When Women Say Yes to God: Experiencing Life in Extraordinary Ways by Lysa TerKeurst

I am removing this one.




18. What Happens When Women Walk in Faith: Trusting God Takes You to Amazing Places by Lysa TerKeurst

I am removing this one.




19. So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport

I have always been such a big believe in hard work and that getting you where you need to go.  Which is probably how this book ended up on my list.  Now I believe you can do what you are passionate about AND work hard.  So even though this is on almost all recommended list, I am removing it.



20. The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This book has me on the fence.  The reviews are some good and some bad.  But the synopsis is just mysterious enough that it makes me want to read more.  It seems like it will be more of a philosophy book, and I haven’t had much luck with those lately.  But I’m keeping it, and we will see.


Final Count: Removing 11; Keeping 9

TBR down to 4,665

Have you read any of these books?  Think I made a mistake removing one?  Leave me a comment below and let’s chat.

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.