Down The TBR Hole

Down The TBR Hole #61-80

Welcome to Down the TBR Hole #61-80! What is Down the TBR Hole?  It is where I grab 20 books from my ridiculously long TBR list on GoodReads and decide if I am keeping or removing the books.  Want to catch up? Click here to go to the last post.  As a reminder, here are the rules:

I am starting with 4,667 books this week on my To Read shelf on Goodreads.  Let’s get started.

1. Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success by Adam M. Grant

For the longest, I wasn’t a fan of networking and didn’t believe in it.  I didn’t agree with the phrase “It’s about who you know” because I am a firm believer that hard work will get you everywhere.  But in Corporate America (and in entrepreneurship) that isn’t true anymore.  That is why this book was added to my list.  At this time, this isn’t my focus, and I am not sure when it will be again, so I am removing this one.

2. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

I’ve heard great things about this book, and it has made its way on everyone’s recommendation list the past few years.  Sophia has a unique story, and I always like learning about people who didn’t take the traditional path to be successful.  I am keeping this one.


3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

I think this book is considered a classic in the Self Improvement/Business world of books.  It’s one where I feel like I should have already read it but just never got around to it.  At least I don’t believe I have.  My father may have owned this one or the version for African Americans, and I am pretty sure I read it in high school, but I don’t remember it at all.  But just because a book is a classic doesn’t mean YOU have to read it.  At this time, I don’t have any interest in the book, so I am removing it.

4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

If you know me, you know I struggle with being a people person.  I feel awkward talking to people, and I would much rather be on my own.  But you kind of need people and community in this world.  Which is why an old coworker and friend recommended this book to me (says a lot, right?). I never got around to reading it and while building community is a priority for me, I want to do it more from a biblical standpoint.  I am removing this one.


5. Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel

I’m honestly not sure how this book ended up on my list, but it’s not anything I am focused on at the moment (starting a business), so I am removing this one.


6. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time by Keith Ferrazzi

Another book added to my list when I was trying to be a better people person.  I’m just not in the stage of life where I want to build relationships for business reasons.  I want to develop more of a community with support.  For that reason, I am removing this one.


7. The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz

This book appealed to me for two reasons.  I liked that it states HOW hard it is to run a business.  Everyone glamourizes entrepreneurship, but not many people tell you how hard it actually is.  The other reason was using hip hop lyrics to give his advice.  It’s a gimmick that makes me want to read it, so I am keeping it.

8. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

I am currently making my way through Tim Ferriss’ Tools of Titans book and man oh man; it has been amazing.  I did have this book first but heard so many great things about Tools of Titans that I purchased and started that one.  With that said, I am becoming a massive fan of Tim Ferriss and can’t wait to read this book.  I am keeping it.


9. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

I’ve always had an interest in psychology and probably, in the last five years, have questioned why people think the way they think more times than I can count.  I am still very much interested in reading the book but now more from the standpoint of how MY mindset will be impacted.  I am keeping it.


10. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

This book has quietly crept up (see what I did there?) on book list in the last few years, and as an introvert that has been trying to cut out so much noise from the world lately, it was bound to end up on my list.  I am keeping it.



11. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely

Why do I make the decisions that I make?  That is what I was hoping this book answered for me.  Although still a substantial question, I am not sure I’m going to find the answer within these pages.  I am removing it.


12. Liar’s Poker by Michael Lewis

I think I thought this book was about something different than Wall Street.  Or maybe I added it after watching a movie.  I’m not sure but either way, I am removing it.


13. How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton’s story alone made this a book I was interested in, but his connection to high achievers and unhappiness is what planted it on my list to read.  I am keeping it.


14. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

When venturing into the finance world and potentially looking into financial planning, I knew I needed to learn more about investing.  That career path has sailed, and while this is still probably a great book on a topic, I should know a little about, other things are my priority at the moment.  I am removing it.


15. Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity by David Whyte

While reading the synopsis of this book, I was actually torn about if I wanted to keep it or not.  I love the idea of personal growth at work and would like to know more about why burnout is a good thing, but the poetry part is throwing me off a bit.  For now, I will say I am keeping it.



16. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

Not only am I a huge Apple fan but the man behind the company has always been fascinating to me.  I’ve read bits and pieces about his life story and knew I wanted to read this book.  I am keeping it.


17. Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream by James Altucher

I’ve had the opportunity to buy this book a few times, but it has never grabbed me enough to pull the trigger.  I do agree with the concept that we have to choose ourselves, especially when moving forward in today’s world.  But I am removing this one.


18. Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull

I’ll be honest and say this book probably grabbed my attention by having Buzz Lightyear on the cover.  Granted, it is a business book from the creators of Pixar, so it does hold my interest beyond that.  But not enough.  I am removing it.


19. Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader by Herminia Ibarra

This was a book that was added to my list when I was toying with the idea of moving into a management position at my previous company.  I think leadership is essential in all areas of life, but it isn’t a focus for me this year, so I am removing this one.



20. The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell

I can’t find a reason to keep this one, so I am removing it.



Final Count: Removing 12; Keeping 8

TBR down to 4,655

Have you read any of these books?  Think I made a mistake removing one?  Leave me a comment below and let’s chat.

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