Rhenáe's Recap

Rhenáe’s Recap: 07/28/19 – 08/03/19


The Four Agreements

My first 1-star review on the blog and the first book that I didn’t finish because I just couldn’t.  What I learned from this book was to be okay with putting a book down (or anything really) if I feel like it will do damage to my subconscious.  I’ve worked hard for the past year or two to think about what I allow into my mind and remove things that I think negatively impact my thinking.  Sometimes with books, I try and push past my initial hunch because I feel like no matter what I can always learn something.  But with this book, I realized how dangerous that was.  I have plenty of other books I can read.

The Printed Letter Bookshop

I love reading cute little romances to help break up the sometimes heavy self-help and business books I tend to lean towards. While this one wasn’t the best book, I couldn’t help but love a book about a bookshop.  My lesson from this book?  While it is okay to live your life, primarily when you work so hard, there comes the point where it can start to become irresponsible.  Where and how am I careless with my life? If my world changes tomorrow, what would I need to change?

Currently Reading

This week has been a mess for me. Typically, I turn to reading when I need to escape, but it didn’t work so well this time.  But I do feel like I am coming out of my slump and I am setting a crazy goal to finish three of the below books this week.  Pray for me!


Rich Habits Poor Habits by Tim Corley and Michael Yardney



Messy Beautiful Friendship by Christine Hoover



The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman


Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss




Finished Reading


Letters to the Church by Francis Chan (for the second time)



Recently Acquired

I made the switch from mostly using Libby and Hoopla to Scribd this week. I was getting caught up in the 14 or 21-day timeframe to read a book.  While I usually finish books in 1-2 days, sometimes having up to eight books downloaded at once, made that a struggle.  Luckily, I was able to find three of my currently reading books there (the other I own as a physical copy).  I also download a few books that caught my eye while scrolling.  It’s a pretty long list, so I may do a separate post.  If I do, I will come back and link it.

Goodreads Challenge Update: 41/52

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases using the links included in this post.