Journey to Entrepreneurship

Journey to Entrepreneurship: Update

I planned on doing an update to this series a month or two ago.  And while I had it written, I didn’t get around to publishing it.  But it is July, and we currently have half a year left, and I realized that a lot of my goals fell away thanks to some things going on in my life.  But I want to share with you why that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

What’s Been Going On?

COVID…Civil Unrest…Medical Issues…Schedule Changes.  What isn’t going on at the moment?  While I won’t spend a ton of time talking about the current pandemic or how a majority of the country somehow is just figuring out that racism still exists, I will say it has impacted our household a ton.  I have an autoimmune disorder and have no clue if my body could handle the virus, so I am 100% onboard with staying in my house 24/7.  My husband is military and is considered essential, so he has no choice but to go to work.  He has also had a vast schedule change that impacts how we manage our household.  And we are Black, so racism is an everyday thing for us.  We live in the south and in a fairly whitewashed area where, unfortunately, we always have to be aware of those around us.  And whether it is the stress of all of that or completely random, I have been dealing with some medical issues that have wreaked havoc on my routines, sleep, and appetite.  To say I have been struggling is an understatement.

BUT…I recognized all of this and knew that meant that I had to make adjustments.  My health is obviously a priority to me, so that means I needed to focus on fixing those issues first.  My marriage is a priority, so with my husband’s schedule change, we had to work really hard to ensure we stayed on the same page and connected.  That meant that some things became less of a priority to me.  You may have noticed a lot of social media breaks from me.  My page tends to focus on my faith and my life as a housewife and how I manage all the things.  I give you a glimpse into how I plan, cleaning and cooking, my bible study and sermon notes, budgeting, and creating a business.  All I have had time for has been my Bible study, so I continue to post that.  There are some things that because I have built automated routines in place, I didn’t have to worry about like our budgeting.  Others, like cooking and the business, just haven’t been happening because those are things that I have the ability to put down for the moment.

Business Update

So while some of my goals for the business had to be pushed off, I was able to do some things that either took a quick moment or set me up for future projects.  For example, I established our LLC.  Before my focus shifted, I worked with a Career Manager, Business Coach, and Business Consultant who were very helpful in helping me streamline my thoughts.  I wrote a bit about them and will be sharing those resources on the blog.  I decided to continue my education by getting a certificate that I feel will further help me in my journey to become an entrepreneur.  I also decided to start the process of gaining an accreditation for an area that I have been interested in since I was a teenager.  Both start this year, and I will be sharing what I can from them.

What’s Next?

When I started this journey, I set a plan for myself.  2020 was going to be all about learning.  Taking courses, learn how to create and do new things, and get better at things I have current experience with.  2021 was going to be the year that I focused on launching and building our business(es).  And 2022 and beyond would be all about growing our business(es) and legacy.  With half the year left, I am still sticking to that plan.  The certificate and accreditation fit nicely into those plans as I will be taking classes and courses this year.  Next year, I will continue to gain experience using our actual business.  I’ve set a goal to do at least one thing a month for the rest of the year to move the business forward.  I’m hoping I will do more, but I wanted to make sure I started with an attainable goal.  The plan is also to write at least one JTE update a month.  I promised to bring you along on the journey, and I want to make sure I continue to do that.